5 Stars

I immediately jumped at the chance for an advanced copy of How To Walk Away when a comparison was made to Me Before You - despite knowing the potential outcome of a book that might possibly give me feelings . . . .

I accepted the challenge. And I’m so happy to report that I stayed strong and did not ruin my eye makeup!
It appears not a whole lot is being said about the plot in the blurb, so I’m going to attempt to keep my mouth shut as much as possible as well. I’ll simply say the story here is of Margaret, who gets engaged one minute and finds her life cartwheeling out of control the next. The remainder of the book is what happens during the year following that life-changing moment. The only thing else I can say?????

While there were definitely some easy comparisons to Me Before You that delivered the same types of feelz . . . . .

It was the story as a whole and Margaret’s family that pushed me over the edge into 5 Star territory. If you’re looking for a feel good book, How To Walk Away should go to the top of your to-read list this summer.
And even though I know anything can be cut and I’m not supposed to post direct quotes, I can’t help but leave this one itsy bitsy lil’ thing right here because it’s perfect . . . . .
“There are all kinds of happy endings.”
Katherine Center . . . .

Many thanks to St. Martin’s Press for believing that even an old curmudgeon like me might feel like smiling every once in a while.
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