3 Stars
Today sucks and there are only two of us at work to do everything that normally 5 people do and some bitch has already tried to throw me under the bus for SOMETHING I DIDN’T EVEN FUCKING DO!!!! and my computer just SHUT DOWN without me even touching the G.D. thing so why don’t we not talk about this book for a minute in order for me to calm myself down before I pull an Office Space on this mah fah . . . .

Okay, so it was a Christmas miracle and the pornbrarian™ (new word) decided to give me the best present ever in the form of buying this entire series. Up to this point I had scored the first for free from Amazon and got the third from the porny library. My experience proves that (1) you can totally read these out of order and it will matter zero and (2) beards are guuuuuuuud.
Grin and Beard It is the second book in the Winston Brothers series and focuses on brother Jethro . . . .
“Oh, Ranger Jethro. You are so adorable. I just want to take you home and put you in my pocket.”
I want to take him home and put him somewhere too. And it’s near my pocket . . . .

I’m sure all of these books follow the same script – boy meets girl/boy and girl shouldn’t be together for whatever reason/slow roller of a romance/big shebang. This one had the bonus of Jethro not liking Jennifer Sylvester and her stupid fucking banana cakes so I was on his team all the way. That might be partially to blame on my oldest’s newly acquired taste in “country” music (country in quotes, because as much as he would never admit it, this new stuff is like straight up boy band music with a little twang – there’s no Waylan or Johnny in the mix, fo sho!). Anyway, don’t hate ‘cause I ain’t knocking it. I’ve found myself turning the ol’ Pandora over to the Florida Georgia Line plenty and that’s where I met a young'un named Sam Hunt who sings songs that make me wanna sploosh my pants and who could have easily fit the role of Jethro here . . . .

Come to Momma! I mean, assuming you’re old enough for me to want you to come to momma, that is.
This second book ended up being a fine time for me. Jethro was hawt and I didn’t want to punch Sadie in the throat so that was a bonus. The only teensie gripe I have are authors who promise “fat” girls who wind up being described as looking exactly like this . . . .

I’m all for this idea . . . .

But until authors stop making their “fat” leading ladies top out at a 12 or 14, the cycle isn’t going to be broken. Penny Reid had the perfect opportunity here to go bigger. I mean, does Ashley Graham really come to mind when you think of “everyone’s favorite funny ‘fat’ lady????” The correct answer is no, because SHE does . . . .

Baby steps, I guess.
Anyway, that’s a seriously minor quibble so I will zip it and hope my turn comes around for all of the other brothers in the Winston household fairly quickly while I wait with baited breath along with all the other horny housewives for Billy’s story . . . .

Okay, so it was a Christmas miracle and the pornbrarian™ (new word) decided to give me the best present ever in the form of buying this entire series. Up to this point I had scored the first for free from Amazon and got the third from the porny library. My experience proves that (1) you can totally read these out of order and it will matter zero and (2) beards are guuuuuuuud.
Grin and Beard It is the second book in the Winston Brothers series and focuses on brother Jethro . . . .
“Oh, Ranger Jethro. You are so adorable. I just want to take you home and put you in my pocket.”
I want to take him home and put him somewhere too. And it’s near my pocket . . . .

I’m sure all of these books follow the same script – boy meets girl/boy and girl shouldn’t be together for whatever reason/slow roller of a romance/big shebang. This one had the bonus of Jethro not liking Jennifer Sylvester and her stupid fucking banana cakes so I was on his team all the way. That might be partially to blame on my oldest’s newly acquired taste in “country” music (country in quotes, because as much as he would never admit it, this new stuff is like straight up boy band music with a little twang – there’s no Waylan or Johnny in the mix, fo sho!). Anyway, don’t hate ‘cause I ain’t knocking it. I’ve found myself turning the ol’ Pandora over to the Florida Georgia Line plenty and that’s where I met a young'un named Sam Hunt who sings songs that make me wanna sploosh my pants and who could have easily fit the role of Jethro here . . . .

Come to Momma! I mean, assuming you’re old enough for me to want you to come to momma, that is.
This second book ended up being a fine time for me. Jethro was hawt and I didn’t want to punch Sadie in the throat so that was a bonus. The only teensie gripe I have are authors who promise “fat” girls who wind up being described as looking exactly like this . . . .

I’m all for this idea . . . .

But until authors stop making their “fat” leading ladies top out at a 12 or 14, the cycle isn’t going to be broken. Penny Reid had the perfect opportunity here to go bigger. I mean, does Ashley Graham really come to mind when you think of “everyone’s favorite funny ‘fat’ lady????” The correct answer is no, because SHE does . . . .

Baby steps, I guess.
Anyway, that’s a seriously minor quibble so I will zip it and hope my turn comes around for all of the other brothers in the Winston household fairly quickly while I wait with baited breath along with all the other horny housewives for Billy’s story . . . .