3.5 Stars
“No one thinks the people they love are monsters. Because love is the biggest liar of all.”
Since it’s Young Adult Week, what better time than the present to post a review for a book I read LAST FLIPPING YEAR. Man I suck.
Anyway, since:
(1) I read this eleventy weeks ago; and
(2) it’s a mystery, I can’t say much about it.
Please note that:
(1) I am a lover of the teenie bopper book so my Starzzzzzz might be different than a non-teenie-bopping-thriller-connoisseur; and
(2) it featured my pretty much favorite topic ever . . . . .

There’s your caveat emptor. Don’t blame me if you don’t lurrrrrv it.
Since it’s Young Adult Week, what better time than the present to post a review for a book I read LAST FLIPPING YEAR. Man I suck.
Anyway, since:
(1) I read this eleventy weeks ago; and
(2) it’s a mystery, I can’t say much about it.
Please note that:
(1) I am a lover of the teenie bopper book so my Starzzzzzz might be different than a non-teenie-bopping-thriller-connoisseur; and
(2) it featured my pretty much favorite topic ever . . . . .

There’s your caveat emptor. Don’t blame me if you don’t lurrrrrv it.