2 Stars
Lemme go ahead and gif the ever living shit out of this in order to prove to the trolls immediately that I am stoopid and not worthy of their efforts.
So as you can see in the placeholder “review” below, The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo has been monumentally well-received by my Goodreads’ friends. And then there’s me . . . . .

If you know me you’ve probably been just as surprised as I have that 2018 has somehow become my Summer of Chick Lit. I’ve ventured away from the porny and the stabby a tad more than usual and have come to truly enjoy what I have dubbed the “Mom Com.” But Evelyn Hugo??????

It was pretty extra when it came to being chicky.
And pleeeeeeeeease for the love of all things that is holy don’t tell me “I read this wrong.” I most certainly did not. I totally got the messages that were being presented about being true to yourself and owning your sexuality and girl power and double standards and whathaveyou. The problem I had?????

Was this book intended for people of my mother/grandmother’s generation? Or does the author truly think we are so stupid that she felt she needed to beat us over the head rather than use any form of subtlety while making her points?
Not to mention that Evelyn herself????

I did not enjoy her at all - and please note I'm a girl who can get down with stalkers and serial killers so that's really saying something about her lack of redeeming features.
And THEN. Oh lordy be. THEN we not only got presented one “twist” that made me go . . . .

But also a grand finale . . . . .

Sorry to all my friends for (once again) being a disappointment to you all. What can I say?????

The saddest thing about this whole experience is I totally returned Maybe In Another Life by this author because my friend’s ratings were so low and got this one instead. I think I made the wrong decision and might have enjoyed the other one. I’ll be putting it back on Mt. TBR Pile.

So as you can see in the placeholder “review” below, The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo has been monumentally well-received by my Goodreads’ friends. And then there’s me . . . . .

If you know me you’ve probably been just as surprised as I have that 2018 has somehow become my Summer of Chick Lit. I’ve ventured away from the porny and the stabby a tad more than usual and have come to truly enjoy what I have dubbed the “Mom Com.” But Evelyn Hugo??????

It was pretty extra when it came to being chicky.
And pleeeeeeeeease for the love of all things that is holy don’t tell me “I read this wrong.” I most certainly did not. I totally got the messages that were being presented about being true to yourself and owning your sexuality and girl power and double standards and whathaveyou. The problem I had?????

Was this book intended for people of my mother/grandmother’s generation? Or does the author truly think we are so stupid that she felt she needed to beat us over the head rather than use any form of subtlety while making her points?
Not to mention that Evelyn herself????

I did not enjoy her at all - and please note I'm a girl who can get down with stalkers and serial killers so that's really saying something about her lack of redeeming features.
And THEN. Oh lordy be. THEN we not only got presented one “twist” that made me go . . . .

But also a grand finale . . . . .

Sorry to all my friends for (once again) being a disappointment to you all. What can I say?????

The saddest thing about this whole experience is I totally returned Maybe In Another Life by this author because my friend’s ratings were so low and got this one instead. I think I made the wrong decision and might have enjoyed the other one. I’ll be putting it back on Mt. TBR Pile.

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