Wednesday, February 18, 2015

The D.U.F.F. by Kody Keplinger

4 Stars
I kinda LOVED this book. Color me as surprised as anyone else. It seems a lot of people didn't. Here's what I have to say about that . . .

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And also?

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You're right. I'm not!

Talk about a refreshing flippin' change of pace from the regular YA fare. Not to mention this book was written by a fetus. Her momma should be proud!

Kody Keplinger offers up some serious straight talk in The D.U.F.F. Bianca is flawed. She's an asshole. She's your average teen (sorry average teens, but when you grow up you will realize you were kinda assholey every now and again). Bianca isn't above judging a book by its cover - and the awesome part is she totally owns it and also acknowledges that everyone is doing the same to her.

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When Wesley Rush informs her of her "D.U.F.F." status at a party, she does what a lot of teenage girls would do . . .

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And then she bangs him on the downlow. I mean, look at this guy . . .

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Sometimes it doesn't matter if a dude is a total wanker, you still want to make bad decisions with him anyway . . .

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Warning to parents: There's TONS of intercourse in this book. Now, it's the fade to black kind and eventually Bianca realizes that a romp in the hay may not be as simple as being only be a romp in the hay and that she should value her self-worth a bit more and yada yada yada, but this chick does get it on and isn't sorry about it. If you're not okay with that, I completely understand and you should probably see the movie instead. From the looks of things, the book and movie don't have a hell of a lot in common except for the title and the HEA to wrap things up. While the movie appears to have one of these not overused at all type of storylines . . .

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Book version of Bianca is one of these girls . . .

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Therefore, there is NO "mean girl" hassling Bianca in the book nor does she have a problem scoring the guy of her dreams once he breaks up with his girlfriend. In fact, for all of the D.U.F.F. talk, Bianca hangs out with a couple of hotties who never seem to be able to score a date either . . . thus leading to the realization that EVERYONE is a D.U.F.F. sometimes. Heck, look at the H.B.I.C in the movie version . . .

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It wasn't so long ago she could have been considered the D.U.F.F.

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Now, the writing isn't perfect (remember - author is a wee little baby) and I can't give it 5 Stars due to a bit of a lackluster ending, but for a debut? This was pretty freaking solid and I recommend it.

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