2 Stars
“The perfect holiday romance this Christmas!”

It looks like this has been changed to “an unforgettable winter romance” but still. Why even do that? You know the old saying about opinions, right? Reading is 100% opinions and reviewers like me are nothing but assholes, so using words like “perfect” right in the dang title are just sure to spurn disappointment. (I’d argue that this one was pretty forgettable too.)
I don’t particularly enjoy the “celebrity falls in love with commoner” trope or the “we can’t be together because we only have seven days” (even though it’s not the dark ages and people can communicate nearly like they are in the same room nowadays thanks to technology) so there was slim to no chance I would enjoy this one. Add in trips to the most cliché of all tourist traps for a week, cardboard cutouts for characters and super cringe worthy dialogue such as . . . .
‘I’d love a bag of pfeffernüsse.’ I smiled. ‘Who’s a goose?’ ‘You’re a goose.’

That’s a fail for me. My friends really enjoyed this one, so we’ll just chalk it up to either wrongreading (most likely the case) or that I actually dove into the Christmas romance pool headfirst this year and sadly We Met In December simply couldn’t compete with the others for me.
ARC provided by NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you, NetGalley!
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