In case you’ve failed to hear me shouting it from the rooftops, I’m a firm believer that it’s high time y’all got a little bit chickenfried . . . .

Hick lit, grit lit, whatever you want to call it is the bees knees, guys, and 2019 is the year for you to jumpoff the cliff like lemmings on the bandwagon if you haven’t yet done so yet. Be it . . . .

The Line That Held Us
or . . . .

The Girl From Blind River
or . . . .

Where The Crawdads Sing
or . . . .

Country Dark
There’s surely something that will end up a winner for you.
Coming in at a close second is another fave – THE VOYEUR! Oh creeping creeps, you are my peeps!

Watching You

The Woman In The Window
Both got all the Starzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
Honorable mention goes to the Domestic Thriller. I have a feeling this genre might run away with the prize in 2019 . . . . .

My Lovely Wife

Beautiful Bad
I don’t ever rate this entry, but don’t let that lead you to believe I did not enjoy my time on Goodreads. Nearly a 10th of my reads in 2018 were 5 Stars so I’m obviously getting a lot easier to please or a lot better at choosing books I think I’ll like, I maintained a small yet mighty friend base here that I look forward to chatting with nearly daily, I blocked people even more freely than I did in 2017 (because seriously strangers, I don’t have to explain my opinions to you and I will never stop using .gifs so just get over it), I got trolled by an actual famous person’s family member for the first time ever rather than just some wannabe whose “baby” I bashed, I started posting shitty pictures on Instagram as well as shitty reviews here (and learned that the ‘Gram’s block feature is much more effective than this one) and I started scoring physical ARCs for the first time. As Larry David would say . . . . .

Hick lit, grit lit, whatever you want to call it is the bees knees, guys, and 2019 is the year for you to jump

The Line That Held Us
or . . . .

The Girl From Blind River
or . . . .

Where The Crawdads Sing
or . . . .

Country Dark
There’s surely something that will end up a winner for you.
Coming in at a close second is another fave – THE VOYEUR! Oh creeping creeps, you are my peeps!

Watching You

The Woman In The Window
Both got all the Starzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
Honorable mention goes to the Domestic Thriller. I have a feeling this genre might run away with the prize in 2019 . . . . .

My Lovely Wife

Beautiful Bad
I don’t ever rate this entry, but don’t let that lead you to believe I did not enjoy my time on Goodreads. Nearly a 10th of my reads in 2018 were 5 Stars so I’m obviously getting a lot easier to please or a lot better at choosing books I think I’ll like, I maintained a small yet mighty friend base here that I look forward to chatting with nearly daily, I blocked people even more freely than I did in 2017 (because seriously strangers, I don’t have to explain my opinions to you and I will never stop using .gifs so just get over it), I got trolled by an actual famous person’s family member for the first time ever rather than just some wannabe whose “baby” I bashed, I started posting shitty pictures on Instagram as well as shitty reviews here (and learned that the ‘Gram’s block feature is much more effective than this one) and I started scoring physical ARCs for the first time. As Larry David would say . . . . .

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