2 Stars
I can’t even begin to tell you how excited I was when my turn finally came up at the library. Mainly because . . . .

ROAD TRIP!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh how I love road trip books. Sadly I did not love this one so much, though. The main problem I had was that both the Amy and Roger characters had zero depth to them. Amy’s story revolves around grieving her father . . . by choosing to block out anything that makes her grieve her father. Roger’s is a quest for love with his ex-girlfriend who is oh-so-obviously just not that into him. In a matter of a few days everything turns topsy turvy, Amy goes through all 7 stages, Roger, even though he should be scaring the holy shiznit out of Amy with all the super creeper vibes he puts out, gets cured of his lovesickness and falls for Amy. The end. Just not my cuppa. What can I say?????

So now that all that’s been said, let’s talk about the stuff I did like. (This is the part where it gets real giffy so consider yourself warned.)
First, the original cover . . . .

Dat’s guuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuud. The hand-holdy one? Notsamuch.
Second, the use of mixed media. Unfortunately I read a Kindle version so it was a bit lacking, but this scrapbooky stuff makes for a fun time in the paper book form . . .

Third, road tunes. Although Roger and Amy’s lists were both a little too precious for my taste, everyone knows the second best part of a road trip is singing at the top of your lungs to errrrrrrrrrry song . . . . .

Which leads us to the BEST part of a road trip. The food. Yep, fat girl likey the food talk. Especially when the food talk is straight up. These two teenie boppers didn’t have the budget for “foodie” places. They stuck to delicious artery clogging establishments instead. I didn’t realize how many fast food chains don’t span the entire continental U.S. and were completely unknown to Amy and Roger before they ate at them. I mean, I’m not from . . . .
(^^^^Chris Brown. Such a douche!)
But I still know what an In-And-Out Double Double is. Maybe because I worship at the church of this guy??????

But anyfarts, after A&R dine on the California classic and begin making their way across flyover country they get to experience all of my local fineries. Places like . . . .

(You know who LOVES to hear about Sonic Drive-Ins???? Ron 2.0. He doesn’t find excessive Sonic talk ridiculous™ at all.)
The duo also go to the place where the people who live with me love . . .

Here’s my feedback Freddy’s. My husband and kids brought a bag of your burgers home a year ago and my house finally stopped smelling of stank onions last week. Blech. There was also a lot of talk about the frozen custard from Freddy’s, but if you live here and are morbidly obese like me you know that you always choose Sheridan’s or Culver’s for that treat. And if you’re me you only get it once a year because . . . .

I like the custard, but the custard no like me if ya know what I’m sayin’.
They also ask the timeless question . . .
“What do you think a Chick-fil-A is?”
The answer is basically . . . .

I’ve never eaten there and don’t plan to after the owner decided to declare to the world he’s a stupid asshole.
They finally get a meal spotted for them and dine on Hot Browns and Derby Pie (if you haven’t had a Paula Deen Derby Pie you really haven’t yet lived), followed by a joint called Krystal, which I actually haven’t ever heard of but from the description it sounds pretty much like a White Castle and let’s just say the one and only time I ate White Castle was NOT good . . .

Man, there’s been a lot of shitting my pants talk in this review. My apologies.
Anyway, let’s wrap this up and say that the two find a little bit of love in a hopeless place or something like that and I gained 15 pounds just reading about all of the yum that they were shoving into their faces.

ROAD TRIP!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh how I love road trip books. Sadly I did not love this one so much, though. The main problem I had was that both the Amy and Roger characters had zero depth to them. Amy’s story revolves around grieving her father . . . by choosing to block out anything that makes her grieve her father. Roger’s is a quest for love with his ex-girlfriend who is oh-so-obviously just not that into him. In a matter of a few days everything turns topsy turvy, Amy goes through all 7 stages, Roger, even though he should be scaring the holy shiznit out of Amy with all the super creeper vibes he puts out, gets cured of his lovesickness and falls for Amy. The end. Just not my cuppa. What can I say?????

So now that all that’s been said, let’s talk about the stuff I did like. (This is the part where it gets real giffy so consider yourself warned.)
First, the original cover . . . .

Dat’s guuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuud. The hand-holdy one? Notsamuch.
Second, the use of mixed media. Unfortunately I read a Kindle version so it was a bit lacking, but this scrapbooky stuff makes for a fun time in the paper book form . . .

Third, road tunes. Although Roger and Amy’s lists were both a little too precious for my taste, everyone knows the second best part of a road trip is singing at the top of your lungs to errrrrrrrrrry song . . . . .

Which leads us to the BEST part of a road trip. The food. Yep, fat girl likey the food talk. Especially when the food talk is straight up. These two teenie boppers didn’t have the budget for “foodie” places. They stuck to delicious artery clogging establishments instead. I didn’t realize how many fast food chains don’t span the entire continental U.S. and were completely unknown to Amy and Roger before they ate at them. I mean, I’m not from . . . .

(^^^^Chris Brown. Such a douche!)
But I still know what an In-And-Out Double Double is. Maybe because I worship at the church of this guy??????

But anyfarts, after A&R dine on the California classic and begin making their way across flyover country they get to experience all of my local fineries. Places like . . . .

(You know who LOVES to hear about Sonic Drive-Ins???? Ron 2.0. He doesn’t find excessive Sonic talk ridiculous™ at all.)
The duo also go to the place where the people who live with me love . . .

Here’s my feedback Freddy’s. My husband and kids brought a bag of your burgers home a year ago and my house finally stopped smelling of stank onions last week. Blech. There was also a lot of talk about the frozen custard from Freddy’s, but if you live here and are morbidly obese like me you know that you always choose Sheridan’s or Culver’s for that treat. And if you’re me you only get it once a year because . . . .

I like the custard, but the custard no like me if ya know what I’m sayin’.
They also ask the timeless question . . .
“What do you think a Chick-fil-A is?”
The answer is basically . . . .

I’ve never eaten there and don’t plan to after the owner decided to declare to the world he’s a stupid asshole.
They finally get a meal spotted for them and dine on Hot Browns and Derby Pie (if you haven’t had a Paula Deen Derby Pie you really haven’t yet lived), followed by a joint called Krystal, which I actually haven’t ever heard of but from the description it sounds pretty much like a White Castle and let’s just say the one and only time I ate White Castle was NOT good . . .

Man, there’s been a lot of shitting my pants talk in this review. My apologies.
Anyway, let’s wrap this up and say that the two find a little bit of love in a hopeless place or something like that and I gained 15 pounds just reading about all of the yum that they were shoving into their faces.
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