3 Stars
According to Goodreads there’s a chance that I might have hated this book if I had ever bothered reading The Arabian Nights . . . .

Yep. Hang on a second and I’ll probably confirm it real quick for you.
Apparently the remake is too close to the original for some, but me = stupid so my reading experience was all fresh and new. Yay for me!
If you are like me and not real clued in on what this is about, here’s a quick lil’ run down for you . . . .
“One hundred lives for the one you took. One life to one dawn. Should you fail but a single morn, I shall take from you your dreams. I shall take from you your city. And I shall take from you these lives, a thousandfold.”
Pretty ominous, huh? The above is the curse that has been placed on Khalid the Caliph of Khorasan because of reeeeeeeeaaaaaaaasons. Shahrzad’s bestie was one of those “one life to one dawn” gals and Shahrzad has sworn an oath to avenge her death. In order to do so she must keep the Caliph’s attention until dawn breaks and she does so with a cliffhangery story each night. What Shahrzad doesn’t expect is to get to know Khalid and start to maybe even lurrrrrrrrrrv him.
This book obviously should have irritated the piss out of me. What can I say? Even an ol’ grouch like me can pull an Elsa and just let it go and enjoy myself every once in a while. For the rest of you, here’s the stuff that might make you want to slit your throats:
Khalid has amber eyes like everyone’s favorite sparkly vampire . . . .

There’s also A LOT of references to . . . .

(^^^^Spoiler alert: “Sun and Sandalwood”)
Probably a third of this book is dedicated to discussing Shahrzad’s outfit of the day. However, please note Shahrzad dresses like this . . .

And not like this . . . .

So it’s pretty decent reading.
Also note another good chunk is spent describing what she’s eating at any given moment. But again . . . .

Which made me go . . . .

Until I remembered what food like that does to my body . . . .

Per the stereotypical YA love story, there was a hot mess to contend with . . . .

I’ll be 100% honest - I was not a fan. The romance between Shahrzad and Khalid, however?????
“What are you doing to me, you plague of a girl?” he whispered. “If I’m a plague, then you should keep your distance, unless you plan on being destroyed.” The weapons still in her grasp, she shoved against his chest. “No.” His hands dropped to her waist. “Destroy me.”

That’s pretty good stuff . . . but I had to keep recasting Khalid as . . . . .

Every damn time they referred to him as “the boy king” because I AM NOT A PEDOPHILE DAMMIT! Kindle needs that new Instagram filter that removes bad words like “boy” and “eighteen” so I can get my perv on.
Finally, OF COURSE this is part of a series. I’m telling you right now, a severe editing hack to book one and about 100 more pages would have this sucker all wrapped up in a pretty bow, so my reaction to continuing the series is a big fat . . . .

This one was decent, though. Changing the cover from the gorgeous one pictured to the picture of Shahrzad could be enough to subtract another star from the rating . . . but I'm having a nice day and those hardly ever happen so 3 Stars it shall remain.

Yep. Hang on a second and I’ll probably confirm it real quick for you.
Apparently the remake is too close to the original for some, but me = stupid so my reading experience was all fresh and new. Yay for me!
If you are like me and not real clued in on what this is about, here’s a quick lil’ run down for you . . . .
“One hundred lives for the one you took. One life to one dawn. Should you fail but a single morn, I shall take from you your dreams. I shall take from you your city. And I shall take from you these lives, a thousandfold.”
Pretty ominous, huh? The above is the curse that has been placed on Khalid the Caliph of Khorasan because of reeeeeeeeaaaaaaaasons. Shahrzad’s bestie was one of those “one life to one dawn” gals and Shahrzad has sworn an oath to avenge her death. In order to do so she must keep the Caliph’s attention until dawn breaks and she does so with a cliffhangery story each night. What Shahrzad doesn’t expect is to get to know Khalid and start to maybe even lurrrrrrrrrrv him.
This book obviously should have irritated the piss out of me. What can I say? Even an ol’ grouch like me can pull an Elsa and just let it go and enjoy myself every once in a while. For the rest of you, here’s the stuff that might make you want to slit your throats:
Khalid has amber eyes like everyone’s favorite sparkly vampire . . . .

There’s also A LOT of references to . . . .

(^^^^Spoiler alert: “Sun and Sandalwood”)
Probably a third of this book is dedicated to discussing Shahrzad’s outfit of the day. However, please note Shahrzad dresses like this . . .

And not like this . . . .

So it’s pretty decent reading.
Also note another good chunk is spent describing what she’s eating at any given moment. But again . . . .

Which made me go . . . .

Until I remembered what food like that does to my body . . . .

Per the stereotypical YA love story, there was a hot mess to contend with . . . .

I’ll be 100% honest - I was not a fan. The romance between Shahrzad and Khalid, however?????
“What are you doing to me, you plague of a girl?” he whispered. “If I’m a plague, then you should keep your distance, unless you plan on being destroyed.” The weapons still in her grasp, she shoved against his chest. “No.” His hands dropped to her waist. “Destroy me.”

That’s pretty good stuff . . . but I had to keep recasting Khalid as . . . . .

Every damn time they referred to him as “the boy king” because I AM NOT A PEDOPHILE DAMMIT! Kindle needs that new Instagram filter that removes bad words like “boy” and “eighteen” so I can get my perv on.
Finally, OF COURSE this is part of a series. I’m telling you right now, a severe editing hack to book one and about 100 more pages would have this sucker all wrapped up in a pretty bow, so my reaction to continuing the series is a big fat . . . .

This one was decent, though. Changing the cover from the gorgeous one pictured to the picture of Shahrzad could be enough to subtract another star from the rating . . . but I'm having a nice day and those hardly ever happen so 3 Stars it shall remain.
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