2 Stars

What just happened?
Okay, so maaaaaaaaybe if this . . .


(without the smoochyface)
had a baby it might look a little something like this crazy mess.
This is the story of Maddie and Dustin and what happens after Maddie gets a bit too PMS-y and starts zapping laser beams out her eyeballs. Unfortunately for Maddie, no one ever bothered having a heart-to-heart with her like this guy . . .

But luckily for Dustin a wardrobe malfunction provided a “music montage” type of scene like this . . .

(There’s a spoiler in there somewhere *wink*)
I have no clue what else to say about this story. I think maybe you’re supposed to do drugs before reading it but Whitney always told me that crack is whack so I refrained. Be forewarned, if you too just say no to drugs you’ll probably look like this the entire time you’re reading . . .

I’m probably supposed to say something about the art before signing off, huh? It was aiight.
The source of this book is about the most coolio thing ever. A friend bought this and then gifted it to a mutual friend who then gifted it to me. Kind of a pay-it-forward for all of us booknerdy delinquents. Many thanks to both friends for thinking of me!
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