3 Stars
“Sisters keep secrets. Because sisters’ secrets are swords.”
This space could probably remain blank and a whole ton of you would go buy The Weird Sisters for this little blurb alone . . .
There is no problem that a library card can't solve.
I should probably leave it at that because I have no clue what to say about this book. Here, allow me to distract you with some giffery . . . .

Ahhhh, that’s better. All glory and honor to the HypnoGoldblum. You will now give me all of your likes and I don’t have to tell you anything about the book at all . . . .

Geesh! Calm down future-ex-Mr.KellyandtheBookBoar. So touchy that one is sometimes.
My friend Trudi sums The Weird Sisters up best when she says this book isn’t really about anything. It kind of isn’t. The story is about three sisters who gather back at their childhood home to help care for their mother who has been diagnosed with breast cancer. It’s about the secrets each carry and the revealing of those secrets gradually during their stay. It’s sort of a “second coming of age” – 30-something style. It’s about family . . . .
“See, we love each other. We just don't happen to like each other very much.”
This isn’t a book I would have ever picked up on my own. Buuuuuuut in my quest for all things free from the library this was a suggested selection for the Shakespeare-inspired challenge and I immediately put my name on the wait list. I’m glad I did. It might have been a little “chick litty” or “book clubby” (or whatever other kind of moniker I can give it that will end up ticking someone off even though I don’t mean to) compared to what I normally read, but the writing was so pretty that I never wanted to put it down . . . .

Right? Nailed it!

This selection was chosen as part of the library’s Winter Reading Challenge. Only TWO more books and the limited edition beer mug will be MIIIIIIIIIIINE!

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