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Y’all got your banned book ready? No time like the present. I have been reading at least one banned or challenged book during Banned Books Week for years now. Mainly to make sure my children always know that no one’s voice should ever be silenced. This year I chose George - mainly because it made this list . . . .

The premise behind George is pretty simple . . .
It was such a short, little question, but she couldn’t make her mouth form the sounds. Mom, what if I’m a girl?
George is advertised as a middle-grade book, but really unless you’re one of the buttholes who doesn’t want the thing in schools at all, it would be perfect for older elementary students. It’s not a story that gets preachy with a message, the characters are too young to be interested in boyfriend/girlfriend relationships so there’s no kissing or sex, it doesn’t insist on understanding all of the ABCs regarding gender identity – it simply asks for acknowledgment. I thought it was wonderful and once you got to know George, it was hard not to support her. If everyone took a second to think of the human behind the issue rather than their black and white view of the issue itself, maybe the world wouldn’t be such a crummy place.
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