3 Stars (????)

In case there was any question, obviously this confirms that I have zero shame and even less willpower. The only thing that may surprise any of you is the person who requested this buddy read. In order to protect his good name, he shall remain nameless (*cough Dan cough*). Yes, it seems even the brightest of bulbs on the Goodreads’ tree cannot resist the siren song of monster erotica.
So what was this little gem about? Wellllllll, pretty much something kinda like this . . .

Some time ago blocks started falling from the sky. Christie was excited to welcome this new species to Earth, but

After that it pretty much boils down to a lot of . . .
“Yeah, fill my gap.”
And confirmation that . . .

Are you a disgusting pervert with no self-control just like me? If so, get it for free right HERE.
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