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Also known as a new series from Janet Evanovich . . . maybe. At this point it appears she may officially be pulling a James Patterson and much like a sports arena simply be selling naming rights for book covers . . .

There’s not a whole lot to say about this one. Although a backdoor to the Lizzy and Diesel storyline was left open with several artifacts left to find, Knight and Moon debuted instead of book 4 in that series. The premise of this one is that Emerson Knight has come into a lot of money – in the form of gold bars – and he wants to take a gander at it. Enter Riley Moon, the newest associate at the superbank which holds Knight’s money, who has been assigned to tell him that’s not how things work. In typical Evanovich fashion things go from simple to complicated leading the duo on a real caper.
So obviously Riley was the equivalent of Stephanie (or Kate or Lizzie). The only difference is Riley lived in an old Victorian rather than an apartment complex full of old fogies and she managed to go the duration without getting her car blown up . . . which wasn’t nearly as entertaining. I thought Aunt Myrna would be the counterpart to Grandma Mazur, but she ended up being a cardboard cutout instead. There was no Lula, which left a gaping hole and the leading male? He may have had a physical description like the posterboy for the cover of a porny book, but the only person I could picture when he spoke was Sheldon Cooper . . .

I know, right? Obviously there was no morning dew to be found in this ladygarden.
I’d love to say that this book made me grow a pair and I will be able to resist clicking the request button for further Evanovich selections, but who the hell am I kidding? I’m already on hold at the library for the newest Fox and O’Hare (thanks Goodreads and your incessant flipping advertisements) and I probably won’t be able to stop myself from reading more of this stinking pile either. I’m a real Chip Diller : (

ARC provided by NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
Thank you, NetGalley!
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