5 Stars

Much like Wayward Pines, Crouch’s latest book is one where the less you know the better which is leaving me not knowing what the hell to say. On the surface, this is a sci-fi thriller which is generally not bag – but since it was a Crouch story I rolled the dice. My reaction? Holy shitsnacks. If you aren’t a supergeek, don’t let the “sci fi” moniker scare you off. Basically if you are familiar with the concept behind Schrödinger’s cat . . .

You will be able to follow along with the smarty farty parts of this story. If you’re anything like me by the time you finish you’ll be all . . .

Dark Matter is the story of Jason Dessen, an average Joe who teaches physics at a small college and lives in a rundown brownstone with his wife and son. Or at least that was who he thought he was. An average night turns into anything but when Jason is kidnapped, drugged, and wakes up learning that everything he thought he knew about his life might have been a lie. It’s up to Jason to piece the puzzle back together and discover what is real and what is really just a result of the box . . . .

Talk about a story that went from 0 to 60 in 1.7 seconds. One of the things I love most about Crouch is that he doesn’t waste time. You jump feet first in to the action and he never lets you slow down. There is no lag time, no filler, no time to catch your breath. My poor little heart was beating like a rabbit! And to top it all off, not only was this a speed-of-light thrillride, but it was also the most amazing story about true love. Not instalove. Not saw a stranger across a crowded room “love,” but the ugly, married for ages, elbow deep in babyshit, questioning if you made the right choices or effed your whole life away but god yes I would do it all over again, rip your heart out if you lost her kind of love.
Congratulations, Mr. Crouch. You get all of the likes . . .

Every. Damn. One. Of. Them.
I agree 100% with my pal Easy E on this one. It’s going to be hard to beat Dark Matter for my fave of 2016. Read this book. All y’all.
ARC provided by Crown Publishing in exchange for an honest review. Thank you!
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