4 Stars
OH MY GOD IT’S A ROAD TRIP ROMANCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Please excuse me while I squee like an effing idiot because . . . .

By now it should go without saying that I seriously dig on road trip stories. And when some salami hidin’ is thrown in to the mix?#boooooiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnng I mean . . . .

This scientific journal was about Marley – a girl who left the farm for college and then moved alllllll the way across the country in order to start adulting. The week before her brother’s wedding she gets a surprise in the form of her father, brother, and Tacy (a “vintage” RV) all at her front door. The reason? They’re going to fulfill Marley’s deceased mom’s bucket list of traveling “The Mother Road” . . . .

Sidenote: Did you know John Mayer sang the “Route 66” song in Cars? I didn’t. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ojsrz...

/end Sidenote
The end goal of this mother of all road trips? To eat the world’s greatest hot dog . . .

Okay, so not only does this book have a road trip AND smexy times, but then it culminates with the nomming of a Chicago Dog?????

Er. Ma. Gherd. . . . .

Where was I? Oh yeah, surprise visitors and an impromptu road trip. Marley’s down with the plan – until she discovers her brother’s best man Porter will also be along for the ride. The last time Marley saw Porter was on her prom night – when he broke her heart. You’d think it would be easy to channel all the rage she’s been building up for the past four years, but it’s hard to do when you’re stuck in Tacy with someone so . . . . charming . . . .

It doesn’t help that Marley has been in a bit of a drought when it comes to the bow-chicka-wow-wow . . . .
“If my vagina could cough, it would cough up a cobweb and a note that read: Just pick a dick and get on with it. A girl needs her salami every once in a while.”
It also doesn’t help that Porter doesn’t seem to be the same man he was four years ago . . .
“What are you thinking?”
“How I want you but I can’t have you. How I want to know what it’s like to feel you underneath me. I’m thinking about how we live in two different worlds, but how I desperately want to be a part of yours.”

AmIRight? Holy mother of sploosh.
Ride along while Marley tries her best to avoid Porter’s charm. It shouldn’t be that hard to do with the various games they will play to pass the time . . .

and the aftermath of gas station food on four people in a confined space . . .

I developed a Stage-5 Clinger variety girl crush on Meghan Quinn with The Virgin Romance Novelist. I like my romance books heavy on the humor and she’s a freaking riot. She also supplies a supporting cast of well-developed characters, impeccable timing, actually sexy sex scenes with no ewwww factor or dirty speak as well, as delectable book boyfriends. Oh Porter . . .

Thanks to the NetGalley addict and fellow horny old lady for sending me word about this delightful little nugget. My husband says thanks too *wink*
ARC provided by NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
Please excuse me while I squee like an effing idiot because . . . .

By now it should go without saying that I seriously dig on road trip stories. And when some salami hidin’ is thrown in to the mix?

This scientific journal was about Marley – a girl who left the farm for college and then moved alllllll the way across the country in order to start adulting. The week before her brother’s wedding she gets a surprise in the form of her father, brother, and Tacy (a “vintage” RV) all at her front door. The reason? They’re going to fulfill Marley’s deceased mom’s bucket list of traveling “The Mother Road” . . . .

Sidenote: Did you know John Mayer sang the “Route 66” song in Cars? I didn’t. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ojsrz...

/end Sidenote
The end goal of this mother of all road trips? To eat the world’s greatest hot dog . . .

Okay, so not only does this book have a road trip AND smexy times, but then it culminates with the nomming of a Chicago Dog?????

Er. Ma. Gherd. . . . .

Where was I? Oh yeah, surprise visitors and an impromptu road trip. Marley’s down with the plan – until she discovers her brother’s best man Porter will also be along for the ride. The last time Marley saw Porter was on her prom night – when he broke her heart. You’d think it would be easy to channel all the rage she’s been building up for the past four years, but it’s hard to do when you’re stuck in Tacy with someone so . . . . charming . . . .

It doesn’t help that Marley has been in a bit of a drought when it comes to the bow-chicka-wow-wow . . . .
“If my vagina could cough, it would cough up a cobweb and a note that read: Just pick a dick and get on with it. A girl needs her salami every once in a while.”
It also doesn’t help that Porter doesn’t seem to be the same man he was four years ago . . .
“What are you thinking?”
“How I want you but I can’t have you. How I want to know what it’s like to feel you underneath me. I’m thinking about how we live in two different worlds, but how I desperately want to be a part of yours.”

AmIRight? Holy mother of sploosh.
Ride along while Marley tries her best to avoid Porter’s charm. It shouldn’t be that hard to do with the various games they will play to pass the time . . .

and the aftermath of gas station food on four people in a confined space . . .

I developed a Stage-5 Clinger variety girl crush on Meghan Quinn with The Virgin Romance Novelist. I like my romance books heavy on the humor and she’s a freaking riot. She also supplies a supporting cast of well-developed characters, impeccable timing, actually sexy sex scenes with no ewwww factor or dirty speak as well, as delectable book boyfriends. Oh Porter . . .

Thanks to the NetGalley addict and fellow horny old lady for sending me word about this delightful little nugget. My husband says thanks too *wink*
ARC provided by NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
Thank you, NetGalley!
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