4 Stars
“Ladies? Your thoughts?”
“Perfect setting for the next Saw movie.”
I was going to come on here screaming WHY AREN’T MORE PEOPLE READING THIS?!?!?!?! and then I noticed it doesn’t come out until January. Whoops. When it comes out y’all should read it.
The combo of the title and the first couple lines of Shelby’s review had me hooked. It made me (and Shelby too as you can see from her review) think of one movie in particular . . .

I knew I wanted it immediately and was all ready for some stuff like this . . . .

The River At Night is about a group of four women who have been friends for 15+ years. They’ve been through everything together – marriage, divorce, kids, miscarriages, new jobs, you name it. Even though they’re all at very different places in their respective lives, they remain close by going on a girls’ trip each year. While the others would prefer to be wasting away in Margaritaville, ringleader Pia is the one who calls the shots. This year those shots have the others dropping nearly a grand on equipment and attempting to ride the rapids (for the first time ever) with some sketch organization that doesn’t even have a website. Have no fear, though, they get hooked up with a super qualified dudebrah who assures them everything will be cooooooooool, man . . . . .

It doesn’t take long to figure out maybe Pia wasn’t interested in the guide’s river rafting qualifications, but his body which leaves the other ladies in a weird situation and me channeling my inner slut shamer . . . .

Eventually things get back on track and the group gets to rollin’ on the river. And then?????????

That’s when things really get interesting . . . .

^^^^^Only not rapey like that one.
If you’re looking for a story that makes your hinky meter look a little like this . . . .

This is one for you. I love action-packed thrillers and this one had me on the edge of my seat. Even when nothing was happening I still kept thinking something was going to happen any second. I’m also woman enough to admit there were a few times where I yelled at the book “don’t do that, you stupid bitch(es)!” and then my husband had to remind me other people live in my house and were trying to watch the ALDS game. Party poopers!
ARC provided by NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you, NetGalley!
“Ladies? Your thoughts?”
“Perfect setting for the next Saw movie.”
I was going to come on here screaming WHY AREN’T MORE PEOPLE READING THIS?!?!?!?! and then I noticed it doesn’t come out until January. Whoops. When it comes out y’all should read it.
The combo of the title and the first couple lines of Shelby’s review had me hooked. It made me (and Shelby too as you can see from her review) think of one movie in particular . . .

I knew I wanted it immediately and was all ready for some stuff like this . . . .

The River At Night is about a group of four women who have been friends for 15+ years. They’ve been through everything together – marriage, divorce, kids, miscarriages, new jobs, you name it. Even though they’re all at very different places in their respective lives, they remain close by going on a girls’ trip each year. While the others would prefer to be wasting away in Margaritaville, ringleader Pia is the one who calls the shots. This year those shots have the others dropping nearly a grand on equipment and attempting to ride the rapids (for the first time ever) with some sketch organization that doesn’t even have a website. Have no fear, though, they get hooked up with a super qualified dudebrah who assures them everything will be cooooooooool, man . . . . .

It doesn’t take long to figure out maybe Pia wasn’t interested in the guide’s river rafting qualifications, but his body which leaves the other ladies in a weird situation and me channeling my inner slut shamer . . . .

Eventually things get back on track and the group gets to rollin’ on the river. And then?????????

That’s when things really get interesting . . . .

^^^^^Only not rapey like that one.
If you’re looking for a story that makes your hinky meter look a little like this . . . .

This is one for you. I love action-packed thrillers and this one had me on the edge of my seat. Even when nothing was happening I still kept thinking something was going to happen any second. I’m also woman enough to admit there were a few times where I yelled at the book “don’t do that, you stupid bitch(es)!” and then my husband had to remind me other people live in my house and were trying to watch the ALDS game. Party poopers!
ARC provided by NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you, NetGalley!
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