4 Stars
When Earth is invaded by Skrulls, there’s only one man that can save the day . . . .

God I wish! This time, however, I had to be satisfied with my other true love . . . .

Captured and used as a lab rat in order to create an army of Skrull minions . . . .

(close enough) Deadpool has to figure out a way to make the nearly unkillable creatures kill themselves – or each other.
Which leads to the second half of this selection where The Merc With The Mouth has been recruited to go rescue a damsel in distress from her plastic surgeon. Things don’t go quite as planned . . . .

And Deadpool has to fight off an army of zombies who are hungry for one thing and one thing only . . . .

No! BRAINS, YOU IDIOTS. Haven’t you ever read a zombie story before? Jeesh.
Per the title Secret Invasion this collection was a Secret Invasion tie-in. Good news for any idiots like me who don’t read a whole lotta comics and pick up Deadpool due to his lack of continual storyline – you won’t be lost. This works fine as a standalone. It also might help all of you undecideds finally make a decision on who to vote for this election. Rather than choosing “the lesser of two evils” or a guy who tries to impress people simply by using the best words, maybe it’s time to pick the person who would actually do what he says he would . . . .


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