3.5 Stars

But people like Audrey would make you believe they are. Pushing a million followers and a new gig curating the social media behind an upcoming art exhibit’s release at the Smithsonian, Audrey has manufactured an enviable lifestyle for the masses on social media. Maybe she has put too much of her life out on the interwebs. Unexpected flower deliveries might be a little creepy when only a couple of people are supposed to know your new address, but open apartment doors and someone watching through your bedroom window are an entirely different situation.
So this was simply a great way to spend a few hours. Saturday was spent at the ball fields for the inaugural “Blue/White Scrimmage,” but Sunday I was freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee and it was so nice outside I decided to haul all of the deck furniture out of storage and get it set up – by myself . . . .

Then I sucked this puppy up like an Instagram influencer does Rosé. Again, not a lifechanger of a book – simply a delicious timesuck with a not-so-likeable potential victim as an added bonus for a creep like me. I breezed through this in a couple of hours. These social media stories have definitely become my jam recently. I’m obsessed with people’s obsession with followers and likes and sharing every detail of their lives with strangers. And yes I’m well aware of the fact that I post fairly religiously to this (nerdy, but still) social media site as well as a Bookstagram account so I may indeed be the pot calling the kettle black. I just hope if I’m as vapid and awful as Audrey someone wants to off me too.
This was my first Kathleen Barber, but it certainly won’t be my last. And for a little teeny bit of my own oversharing – turns out this author is from my hometown. To that I say . . . .

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