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If you are of the following mindset . . . . .

Then WHY THE HELL ARE YOU READING REVIEWS ABOUT THESE TYPES OF BOOKS?!?!?!?! For realz tho – you know you’re gonna have to wait until at least the 50% mark before the “will they or won’t they?” gets answered. After that, however?????

Was that offensive? Sorry – I don’t know any “sensitivity readers” to help tone down my trashy side.
What I do know is My Unexpected Forever was the second in the “Beaumont Series” and I actually liked it better than I thought I would, despite the fact that it featured the absolute boner killer to end all boner killers – CHILDREN . . . . .

This is the story of Katelyn and Harrison who were introduced in Book 1. She’s recently widowed, he’s a drummer . . . . .

She also beats the reader over the head about it being “too soon” after her husband’s death to move on (see – this author probably had a sensitivity reader) and explains infinitum how she’s “not attracted to him” and how he’s “not her type” which made me like . . . .

If your lady bits beep anytime dude is within a 12-mile radius, you’re probably attracted to him. The not being your type because he has tattoos?

You should be more worried that he is a potential petri dish of STD since he’s in a flippin’ über famous rock band that makes all the ladies drop their panties.
But aside from all that noise, this was okay.

Then WHY THE HELL ARE YOU READING REVIEWS ABOUT THESE TYPES OF BOOKS?!?!?!?! For realz tho – you know you’re gonna have to wait until at least the 50% mark before the “will they or won’t they?” gets answered. After that, however?????

Was that offensive? Sorry – I don’t know any “sensitivity readers” to help tone down my trashy side.
What I do know is My Unexpected Forever was the second in the “Beaumont Series” and I actually liked it better than I thought I would, despite the fact that it featured the absolute boner killer to end all boner killers – CHILDREN . . . . .

This is the story of Katelyn and Harrison who were introduced in Book 1. She’s recently widowed, he’s a drummer . . . . .

She also beats the reader over the head about it being “too soon” after her husband’s death to move on (see – this author probably had a sensitivity reader) and explains infinitum how she’s “not attracted to him” and how he’s “not her type” which made me like . . . .

If your lady bits beep anytime dude is within a 12-mile radius, you’re probably attracted to him. The not being your type because he has tattoos?

You should be more worried that he is a potential petri dish of STD since he’s in a flippin’ über famous rock band that makes all the ladies drop their panties.
But aside from all that noise, this was okay.
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