5 Stars

Eeks am I getting behind in posting reviews. Are You There God, It’s Me Margaret was my final selection for Banned Books Week. I was extremely hesitant to re-read this since it was one of my childhood favorites. I was terrified my trip down memory lane would wind up filled with potholes and other bumps in the road that would lessen my enjoyment. Boy was I wrong! I loved Margaret just as much now as I did back then. Judy Blume was my go-to-gal back in the dark ages and her stuff amazingly stands the test of time. Highly recommended to young girls at that awkward “in between” age when they aren’t quite a kid, but not yet a woman.
Oh, and in case you live in a cave and have never heard of this book before, the subject matter that made it so “controversial” that young humans need to be protected from it????

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