2 Stars

Okay, this was definitely not the book for me. I asked Jesus to take the wheel and write a review, but he told me he was too wrapped up in the Melania plagiarism scandal from last night’s Republican Convention (#votecthulhu) so I should just go eff myself. Lucky for all of you Mitchell volunteered as tribute. (Allow me to apologize for what you are about to read in advance.)

Noelle gets ran out of Eden for committing the baddest of all the sins . . .

Her day gets worse when she’s roofied (or whatever the street name is in dystopia) and followed by a creeper who wants to make the sexyslavetimes with her. Lucky for everyone Jasper and his band of brothers from The Broken Circle arrive just in time to save the day and take her back to

That Noelle learns how to embrace her inner freak and get down with pert near errrrrrrybody . . . but especially with Jasper . . .

Ahhhhh yes, not only do the two experience much of the insta but they also provide allllllllllllllllllllllllllll of the . . . .

Kelly didn’t enjoy it, but I was like . . .

Especially the end when Noelle embraced her inner whore wholeheartedly!!!!!

(Do not even think about getting angry about me “slut shaming” – Noelle was an awesome slut and I loved her. I also sharpened my tusks so watch out crybabies.)
Alright, so there you have it. Here’s the problem(s) I had. This book was supposed to be all about consent and how the women were in charge and learning to embrace your smexy side and blahblahblah. HOWEVER, bitch clearly didn’t know anything at all about sex and “consenting” only to feel humiliated and nasty about yourself isn’t really doing it right. Now I realize these books should only be read by adults, but I fear the stoopids will get ahold of stuff like this and be even more confused about what is taking ownership of your naughtybits. Not to mention that the sex, although there was a TON of it, really wasn’t very sexy. The dirty talk and whatnot didn’t bother me in the least this go ‘round, it just seemed to . . . . . go off track (????) with the explaining to dumbass Noelle about the how-tos and also she passed out every time she made an O-face so that was a little off and she probably should have seen a doctor about it. I don’t know if I’ll ever give this series another chance, but I will admit I’m intrigued by Six’s story so if she has a book I might sneak a peek one day.
It was actually commentary between this pervert and this pervert that made me request Beyond Shame. Mitchell is now officially in love with you girls. Best get a restraining order pronto!

Friend ratings run the gamut, but the one thing they all agree on is that this is nothing but pure smut. Bring it : )
Great review!