2 Stars
Earlier today I posted a review for a book called What You Left Behind. Then I noticed my “currently reading” list still contained a book with the title What You Left Behind. My immediate thoughts were something along the lines of GO HOME GOODREADS, YOU’RE DRUNK, but then I realized that this was an entirely different book that I never bothered reviewing. So here I am and I’m really phoning it in on this one . . .

The problem with this What You Left Behind is it was very . . .

It’s the story of a small village that experienced some teenaged suicides a couple of years ago and then has another young man die in what appears to be an accident, but with a suicide note in his pocket. As yet another teen is found dead soon after it is suspected that history is repeating itself. Then you add in a detective who is simply trying to take a bit of a vacay and visit her sister, but is thrown in to the mix of the “suicides” and . . . a lot of talk about needing a breast reduction????

Huh? What???? There were already like eleventy characters to keep track of, why the hizzle did that get thrown in to the mix?
Anyway, this was an okay mystery/thriller, but nothing to write home to momma about. It also may have fallen victim to the “oh I read THIS by the author and it was really good so everything else kind of sucks in comparison” fate.
ARC provided by NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

The problem with this What You Left Behind is it was very . . .

It’s the story of a small village that experienced some teenaged suicides a couple of years ago and then has another young man die in what appears to be an accident, but with a suicide note in his pocket. As yet another teen is found dead soon after it is suspected that history is repeating itself. Then you add in a detective who is simply trying to take a bit of a vacay and visit her sister, but is thrown in to the mix of the “suicides” and . . . a lot of talk about needing a breast reduction????

Huh? What???? There were already like eleventy characters to keep track of, why the hizzle did that get thrown in to the mix?
Anyway, this was an okay mystery/thriller, but nothing to write home to momma about. It also may have fallen victim to the “oh I read THIS by the author and it was really good so everything else kind of sucks in comparison” fate.
ARC provided by NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
Thank you, NetGalley!
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