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Lily and Lo have spent their entire lives keeping each other’s secrets. While Lo hits the bottle all day every day, Lily likes to hit up various clubs . . . .

When she can’t find some random strange to hit and quit it with in a toilet stall, she resorts to Plan B . . .

She also spends THE FIRST THIRD OF THE G.D. BOOK reminding the reader over and over and over again how Lo makes her so horny (*sings oh me so horny – me so horny – me love you long time*), but they did it once a long time ago and can’t do it again because it will ruin their friendship, and even though he constantly leads her on and is all . . . .

she doesn’t ever take the hint and instead chooses to remind him incessantly that he shouldn’t do things like that to a sex addict while still wanting him to do stuff like that to a sex addict and oh for Jeebus’ sake . . . .

Which, of course, they finally do, but seriously for being a NA story with a disclaimer about all of the mature content as well as being about a SEX ADDICT there sure wasn’t a whole lotta sex – it was more fade to black and innuendo rather than straight up . . . .

Plus, even though there were only around 325 pages to this book it felt like about eleventy trillion with all of the nothing happening except for bitching about needing to f*&^ all the time and the not-helping each other ever like STOP their totally unhealthy lifestyles until the very end which OF COURSE ended in a stupidass cliffhanger and no. Just no. I know this was supposed to really hit the old emotions, but for me????

Congrats to all of you who enjoyed this one. Obviously I did not.
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