4 Stars

Don’t worry. You’ll soon find out : )

YES WE CAN! Well, we can with the help of The Portlandia Cookbook. Seriously, it does teach you how to pickle things. I lucked out and scored a free copy of this cookbook, but I had been planning on spending some of my Christmas cash on purchasing it for myself. (Santa apparently thought I didn’t deserve a copy under my tree on Christmas morning. Well, F*&% YOU, SANTA! I got one anyway.)
I love Portlandia and I love fun cookbooks. Let’s all get real here – if you need to look up a recipe it takes but a button click on your smartphone to find whatever your heart desires. If I’m going to drop $25 on a cookbook, it either better make the dinner for me or at least make me chuckle. This one has the added bonus of making me think of the deliciousness which is the “Pullout King” . . . .

Ermahgerd I lurv Jerff Goldblurm!!!!!!

So I was expecting a giggle or two (yes, giggles - no matter what karen says to the contrary), but what I wasn’t expecting was edible food . . .

Like REALLY edible food . . .

I mean, look at this thing . . .

Serve it up with 3 pounds of French fries and it could be the star of an episode of Man vs. Food!
When you’re done with dinner, they even teach you how to make a gorgeous apple pie . . .

That’s almost too pretty to eat . . . I said almost. Now slap a couple scoops of French vanilla on that bitch and watch me nom nom nom.
And if everything else fails, you know what to do . . .

That’s right! Put a bird on that mother*&^%$ . . .

Recommended to the three other people who watch Portlandia : )
ARC provided by Blogging for Books in exchange for an honest review
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