5 Stars

If you aren't already aware, I'm not a person who often has emotions . . . but when I do WATCH OUT. I think I flooded my reading room this morning. I'm still f-ing crying. What's happening to me?!?!?!?!

Short Bus Hero is the story of Ally Forman told through the voice of her guardian angel (don't worry, this isn't a preachy book - the halo Ally's angel wears is more than a bit crooked). Ally is "a "Dear One" - she is one of mine and she is beautiful. We have a lot in common, Ally and me. From our love of professional wrestling, to a shared disdain for the tortuous din known as rap music. We are kindred sprits, she and I, gauzy white helicopter seeds, blown from the same withering dandelion, floating through time and space propelled by the breath of another. How's that for poetic?"
She's your average young women who works in a grocery store, has been blessed with a group of great friends, a well-intentioned (although a lot crazy and sometimes a little drunk) mother, a limitless love for wrestling,

and a $350 million lottery jackpot. Ally also happens to have Down syndrome. When Ally finds out her favorite wrestler has been axed, she sets her sights on spending her winnings on making his life better. And boy does she ever make his life better . . . in ways money can't buy.

If you would have told me I'd ever even want to read a book with a pretty decent focus on wrestling, let alone give it all 5 Stars I would have assumed you needed your brain checked. But good grief this story. This little story . . . it just had everything. It literally made me "laugh and cry" - as corny and overused as that phrase is. This book gave me all the feels and "it feels like Heaven" . It left me with a little hope, a little faith, a lot of love, and the realization that maybe being Edward and Bella isn't as bad as it is cracked up to be. My heart is full from reading Ally (and Stryker's and Jason's) story and I'm pretty sure I also already found my favorite narrator of the year.
Now I'm going to take a cue from my new pal and go listen to some David Archuletta. He's not as bad as I once thought either ; )
ARC provided by NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you, NetGalley!

If you aren't already aware, I'm not a person who often has emotions . . . but when I do WATCH OUT. I think I flooded my reading room this morning. I'm still f-ing crying. What's happening to me?!?!?!?!

Short Bus Hero is the story of Ally Forman told through the voice of her guardian angel (don't worry, this isn't a preachy book - the halo Ally's angel wears is more than a bit crooked). Ally is "a "Dear One" - she is one of mine and she is beautiful. We have a lot in common, Ally and me. From our love of professional wrestling, to a shared disdain for the tortuous din known as rap music. We are kindred sprits, she and I, gauzy white helicopter seeds, blown from the same withering dandelion, floating through time and space propelled by the breath of another. How's that for poetic?"
She's your average young women who works in a grocery store, has been blessed with a group of great friends, a well-intentioned (although a lot crazy and sometimes a little drunk) mother, a limitless love for wrestling,

and a $350 million lottery jackpot. Ally also happens to have Down syndrome. When Ally finds out her favorite wrestler has been axed, she sets her sights on spending her winnings on making his life better. And boy does she ever make his life better . . . in ways money can't buy.

If you would have told me I'd ever even want to read a book with a pretty decent focus on wrestling, let alone give it all 5 Stars I would have assumed you needed your brain checked. But good grief this story. This little story . . . it just had everything. It literally made me "laugh and cry" - as corny and overused as that phrase is. This book gave me all the feels and "it feels like Heaven" . It left me with a little hope, a little faith, a lot of love, and the realization that maybe being Edward and Bella isn't as bad as it is cracked up to be. My heart is full from reading Ally (and Stryker's and Jason's) story and I'm pretty sure I also already found my favorite narrator of the year.
Now I'm going to take a cue from my new pal and go listen to some David Archuletta. He's not as bad as I once thought either ; )
ARC provided by NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you, NetGalley!
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