4 Stars
Oh looky, it’s a nearly new volume with hardly any reviews. Luckily an expert like me Mitchell is here to save the day. If you’ve been following the ongoing saga of Don’t Call It A Team-Up you are well aware of all the various first world problems surrounding this buddy read, mainly the fact that some mouth breathing P.O.S. ganked my copy off the hold shelf when my turn FINALLY came around making me go all . . .

And also delaying this damn thing again. Then real-life happened and it was further delayed. Many thanks to my pal Jeff for riding this debacle out with me. Who would’ve thought a ragey green giant could be oh-so-very-patient . . .

When I started this volume I had my fingers crossed for a very specific storyline . . . .

But Jeff informed me that it was my recently developed addiction to pornography talking and to get refocused. He also said the first issue in the collection was a real gem. Said story consisted of . . . .

Errrrr, I mean “The Watcher” observing what happens when Deadpool and Blind Al get sent back in time and the process which it takes for them to go back . . . .

I didn’t like this one. Because I am stupid. And also because it had sooooooooooooo many words. Ick . . . .

In case you aren’t aware, Mitchell and I are both geriatric eyeglass wearing mah fahs so comics or “graphic novels” are fairly difficult for us to see on a good day. Having the equivalent of a novel’s worth of writing smushed on 40-some pages made for a humdinger of a headache.
Things improved considerably with the “Whatever A Spider Can” chapters which featured a truly terrifying villain . . .

And “This Man, This [Expletive Deleted]” that opted to not focus on dick jokes, but went high brow with the humor instead . . .

As well as the “Avenging Spiderman” selections that had the duo battling a real jive turkey as well as channeling their inner Nelly in a story that was “only just a dreeeeeeaaaaaaam.” I also enjoyed “Eight Legs To Kick You” where Deadpool and Spiderman had to defeat the most evil creation that ever existed – the creepy businessman who is plotting to take over the world . . . .

He just may too, since he has the best guys. Guys like The Trapster and Lady Stilt Man. Dun dun dunnnnnnnnnnnn.
Anywho, it’s Deadpool and his bromance Spidey. You can’t really go wrong. And also, even though this was a collection of old stuff, I had only read one of the selections previously. Or at least I think . . . .

An added bonus were the random variant covers contained throughout . . .

4 Stars!
Oh and also, because I can’t NOT post something Goldblumey in a Kelly/Mitchell/Jeff team-up, I’ll leave you all with the following question to ponder . . .

Coming soon to a Goodreads near you (a/k/a as soon as it is published and we nab copies from our respective liburries). An unlikely duo read by an unlikely duo (meaning Jeff and myself - Mitchell somehow works well with everyone. Go figure.). What could possibly go wrong????

And also delaying this damn thing again. Then real-life happened and it was further delayed. Many thanks to my pal Jeff for riding this debacle out with me. Who would’ve thought a ragey green giant could be oh-so-very-patient . . .

When I started this volume I had my fingers crossed for a very specific storyline . . . .

But Jeff informed me that it was my recently developed addiction to pornography talking and to get refocused. He also said the first issue in the collection was a real gem. Said story consisted of . . . .

Errrrr, I mean “The Watcher” observing what happens when Deadpool and Blind Al get sent back in time and the process which it takes for them to go back . . . .

I didn’t like this one. Because I am stupid. And also because it had sooooooooooooo many words. Ick . . . .

In case you aren’t aware, Mitchell and I are both geriatric eyeglass wearing mah fahs so comics or “graphic novels” are fairly difficult for us to see on a good day. Having the equivalent of a novel’s worth of writing smushed on 40-some pages made for a humdinger of a headache.
Things improved considerably with the “Whatever A Spider Can” chapters which featured a truly terrifying villain . . .

And “This Man, This [Expletive Deleted]” that opted to not focus on dick jokes, but went high brow with the humor instead . . .

As well as the “Avenging Spiderman” selections that had the duo battling a real jive turkey as well as channeling their inner Nelly in a story that was “only just a dreeeeeeaaaaaaam.” I also enjoyed “Eight Legs To Kick You” where Deadpool and Spiderman had to defeat the most evil creation that ever existed – the creepy businessman who is plotting to take over the world . . . .

He just may too, since he has the best guys. Guys like The Trapster and Lady Stilt Man. Dun dun dunnnnnnnnnnnn.
Anywho, it’s Deadpool and his bromance Spidey. You can’t really go wrong. And also, even though this was a collection of old stuff, I had only read one of the selections previously. Or at least I think . . . .

An added bonus were the random variant covers contained throughout . . .

4 Stars!
Oh and also, because I can’t NOT post something Goldblumey in a Kelly/Mitchell/Jeff team-up, I’ll leave you all with the following question to ponder . . .

Coming soon to a Goodreads near you (a/k/a as soon as it is published and we nab copies from our respective liburries). An unlikely duo read by an unlikely duo (meaning Jeff and myself - Mitchell somehow works well with everyone. Go figure.). What could possibly go wrong????

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