1 Star
This book gets 1 Star because . . .

Who the eff wants to unravel 800 feet of flippin' cat connect-the-dot?!?!?!?!? Well, who aside from this lady . . .

I Draw On Cats arrived in the mail on the day I pulled my back out for the first time ever just by breathing or sleeping or something (talented, that is me). Lying in bed like a slug for 24 hours on anti-inflammatories didn’t cure it so then I had to sit through kid ball games IN THE POURING RAIN because the suck wasn’t enough and every time I tried to even thumb through this son of a gun the whole damn thing would unravel and then everyone around me was subjected to the most irritating Peter Griffin impersonation on the planet that began with “MY BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACACK” and then . . .

All the ow and oooh and owwwwww that should be associated with a middle-aged woman experiencing a whole pile of first world problems at the same time. Anyway, this thing was a huge letdown. Not only was the annoyance factor at a staggering level, but the images themselves????

Meh. Most of them were mediocre quality and consisted of cats being cats, all flopped out on floors or couches which then had already half-drawn images of them being “superhero-y” – you know because cat on its side TOTALLY looks like flying cat if you put a badly drawn cape on it. There were a couple of pictures that made me smile . . .

But they were few and far between and also got ruined by stuff like . . .

What the hell kind of crack is being smoked here? A cat dressed like someone from the crusades intent on murdering a LAWN MOWER? I guess once again I’m just not smart enough to get the humor. I am smart enough, however, to know that spending the suggested retail price of $10 on this would be a huge waste.
ARC provided by Blogging for Books in exchange for an honest review.
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