3 Stars
If you are (1) a fan of The Oatmeal or (2) a crazy cat lady, then this is a book that someone should buy for you (Who has two thumbs and is a crazy cat lady? This gal - so hint, hint). It confirms everything that a person with cats already knows - we are their servants, and they would be okay with us being dead as long as we leave our rotting corpse behind so they can nom nom on our face.
A sane person would never live with a roommate who:

Undecorates their Christmas tree . . .

Engages in weird PICA behavior like eating holes every “green” bag in the house . . .

Steals their childrens’ toys . . .

Interrupts their reading time . . .
SUCKS at hide-and-go-seek . . .

Can't even bathe without help . . .

Or tries to smother them while they sleep . . .

I mean SERIOUSLY tries to smother them . . .
Somehow cats get away with all that and more. Probably because they are better than us.
A sane person would never live with a roommate who:

Undecorates their Christmas tree . . .

Engages in weird PICA behavior like eating holes every “green” bag in the house . . .

Steals their childrens’ toys . . .

Interrupts their reading time . . .
SUCKS at hide-and-go-seek . . .

Can't even bathe without help . . .

Or tries to smother them while they sleep . . .

I mean SERIOUSLY tries to smother them . . .
Somehow cats get away with all that and more. Probably because they are better than us.
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