3.5 Stars

When I first started TTYL I figured what the powers-that-be thought of as “offensive” material was the fact that the entire thing was written in text format . . . .

Any “adult content” - and trust me when I say I’m using that term for lack of anything better because really the “controversial” subject matter was regarding a teacher who might have been a . . . .

And realizing that wanting to be popular might not end up being all you thought it would be because sometimes you find out this about your new “friends” . . . .

It was all delivered in very much a PG-rated way. The real story here was simply the daily goings on between three besties for the resties told via text. You have naïve, sweet little Zoe . . . .

Snarky Maddie . . .

And always-has-her-eye-on-a-new-potential-crush Angela . . .

There’s not much else to say. Well, except to the people who want to ban books. Scootch up real close so I can tell you something . . . .

This book was about as benign as it could get while still having a bit of real-life issues thrown in. It was cute and relatable, but definitely not something that would change anyone’s life. I would put money that most kids who read this will only have a vague recollection of it once they are grown (unless they have an eidetic memory). Wanting this banned just shows what a giant asshole you are.
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