4 Stars
“I gave you my heart on a silver fucking platter and you ate it, piece by bloody piece.”
Welcome to a review via giffery that is sure to put at least one song on a never-ending loop in your brain for the remainder of the day . . . . .

Bad Romance is the story of Grace and how she almost lost herself over the course of . . . .

It’s a story that shows . . . .
“Girls don’t fall in love with manipulative assholes who treat them like shit and make them seriously question their life choices. They fall in love with manipulative assholes (who treat them like shit and make them seriously question their life choices) who they think are knights in shining armor.”
I wanted to read this as soon as I saw the title. Because duh . . . .

And just look at that cover? I diiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeee.
My old lady brain failed me and I didn’t realize that I had had a most excellent experience with Heather Demetrios in the past, so I went into this with high hopes yet low expectations. This is another selection that, although as far as I know is not yet challenged, would be a great candidate during this Banned Books Week since it addresses some seriously heavy subject matter that pearl clutching parents across the country would not want their children to read about. That would be a shame, though, because these are exactly the types of stories that need to be told.
While Grace’s home life and upbringing may have made her easier to manipulate than some, her relationship with Gavin felt pretty fathomable to me. Who wouldn’t want to date the handsome rock star? Why wouldn’t she take his side when he said his ex was cheating – after all, she was always flirting with other dudes. And really isn’t it just respectful to not be touchy-feely with other guys if you are in a committed relationship? Grace agrees that it is. But where do you draw the line? At what point do you realize that you pretty much always do what he wants to do. That if you don’t, he gets mad – or hangs up the phone – or peels out down the street and you end up doing nothing at all because he was your plans for the evening. When do you tell him to cut the shit and quit being such a drama llama? When does it sink in that when he shows up at your window in the middle of the night or spends hours across the food court watching you while you work at the cookie store that . . . .
“Your boyfriend’s creepy.”
Is it about the same time you discover this song isn’t nearly as romantic as you once thought it to be . . . .

At what point do you find the courage and strength within yourself to tell him . . . . .

When he tells you he hates you? When he calls you a whore? When he leaves bruises on you when you’re trying to get away, but he’s not done talking to you yet? When he rapes you? When?
While this may have been just a bit too long for me (I hate making that complaint because I sound like such a dimwit) – it is probably necessary to keep beating some readers over the head with examples of abusive behavior like Demetrios does here. At some point maybe there’s a girl (or a boy) who will recognize that their relationship might be unhealthy too and they will get out of it. And to anyone who feels stuck in a situation like this and has a boy(or girl)friend who threatens to kill themselves should you break up with them? This is what you do . . . . .

Middle fingers up. For real. Then call their parents, tell a school counselor, call the cops, whatever. But get yourself out first.
When you is poor so the $9.99 price tag is making you have a sad, but discover the porny librarian already has you covered . . . . .

Welcome to a review via giffery that is sure to put at least one song on a never-ending loop in your brain for the remainder of the day . . . . .

Bad Romance is the story of Grace and how she almost lost herself over the course of . . . .

It’s a story that shows . . . .
“Girls don’t fall in love with manipulative assholes who treat them like shit and make them seriously question their life choices. They fall in love with manipulative assholes (who treat them like shit and make them seriously question their life choices) who they think are knights in shining armor.”
I wanted to read this as soon as I saw the title. Because duh . . . .

And just look at that cover? I diiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeee.
My old lady brain failed me and I didn’t realize that I had had a most excellent experience with Heather Demetrios in the past, so I went into this with high hopes yet low expectations. This is another selection that, although as far as I know is not yet challenged, would be a great candidate during this Banned Books Week since it addresses some seriously heavy subject matter that pearl clutching parents across the country would not want their children to read about. That would be a shame, though, because these are exactly the types of stories that need to be told.
While Grace’s home life and upbringing may have made her easier to manipulate than some, her relationship with Gavin felt pretty fathomable to me. Who wouldn’t want to date the handsome rock star? Why wouldn’t she take his side when he said his ex was cheating – after all, she was always flirting with other dudes. And really isn’t it just respectful to not be touchy-feely with other guys if you are in a committed relationship? Grace agrees that it is. But where do you draw the line? At what point do you realize that you pretty much always do what he wants to do. That if you don’t, he gets mad – or hangs up the phone – or peels out down the street and you end up doing nothing at all because he was your plans for the evening. When do you tell him to cut the shit and quit being such a drama llama? When does it sink in that when he shows up at your window in the middle of the night or spends hours across the food court watching you while you work at the cookie store that . . . .
“Your boyfriend’s creepy.”
Is it about the same time you discover this song isn’t nearly as romantic as you once thought it to be . . . .

At what point do you find the courage and strength within yourself to tell him . . . . .

When he tells you he hates you? When he calls you a whore? When he leaves bruises on you when you’re trying to get away, but he’s not done talking to you yet? When he rapes you? When?
While this may have been just a bit too long for me (I hate making that complaint because I sound like such a dimwit) – it is probably necessary to keep beating some readers over the head with examples of abusive behavior like Demetrios does here. At some point maybe there’s a girl (or a boy) who will recognize that their relationship might be unhealthy too and they will get out of it. And to anyone who feels stuck in a situation like this and has a boy(or girl)friend who threatens to kill themselves should you break up with them? This is what you do . . . . .

Middle fingers up. For real. Then call their parents, tell a school counselor, call the cops, whatever. But get yourself out first.
When you is poor so the $9.99 price tag is making you have a sad, but discover the porny librarian already has you covered . . . . .

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