5 Stars
As Imagine Dragons said . . . . .

If you follow me, you’ll know that earlier this month I read a book that made tears squirt out my own face and how unacceptable that was for me. Miracle of all miracles had this cover pop up right when I needed it most . . . . .

I mean, has there ever been a more perfect creation for a Kelly/Mitchell surefire success? I don’t think so. Between the cover, the fact it was written by Ron Rash and the thumbs up from my literary dream man David Joy, there was zero chance I was going to pass this up. And the plot????? Well, ol’ boy Travis is out fishing for some speckleds in order to cover his gas and insurance after getting fired from the local grocery store when he comes across a potential windfall over on the Toomey property . . . .

And he knows just the fella who can help take it off his hands . . . .
“Where’d you get that?” Leonard asked.
“Found it,” Travis said.
“Found it, did you. And you figured finders keepers.”
Resulting in a most unlikely friendship as the story progresses . . . .

As the blurb says, this is a story that is “harrowing yet ultimately hopeful” and it gets all the Starzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

If you follow me, you’ll know that earlier this month I read a book that made tears squirt out my own face and how unacceptable that was for me. Miracle of all miracles had this cover pop up right when I needed it most . . . . .

I mean, has there ever been a more perfect creation for a Kelly/Mitchell surefire success? I don’t think so. Between the cover, the fact it was written by Ron Rash and the thumbs up from my literary dream man David Joy, there was zero chance I was going to pass this up. And the plot????? Well, ol’ boy Travis is out fishing for some speckleds in order to cover his gas and insurance after getting fired from the local grocery store when he comes across a potential windfall over on the Toomey property . . . .

And he knows just the fella who can help take it off his hands . . . .
“Where’d you get that?” Leonard asked.
“Found it,” Travis said.
“Found it, did you. And you figured finders keepers.”
Resulting in a most unlikely friendship as the story progresses . . . .

As the blurb says, this is a story that is “harrowing yet ultimately hopeful” and it gets all the Starzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
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