3 Stars
Last weekend when I was reading The Wall of Winnipeg and Me my husband pointed out that my "porny" books don't seem to be very porny, to which I responded . . . .

One thing you can't say is the Scarred Souls series isn't porny! So before I begin let me say this to Tillie Cole . . . .

The porny librarian ended up getting this series out of order and also I have shit for brains so I found myself confused at times regarding what info I knew from the before books and what info I wasn't supposed to yet know from the after book. But I ain't complaining, kids because this was the story I had been waiting for. Y'all can keep your pretty boy Jon Snow as long as I get dibs on . . . .

Oh The Hound. How I lurrrrv him. When I heard (in book 4 since out of order reading as mentioned above) that the leading male in Ravage was going to be all scar-faced and a "monster" I was like YES PLEASE! I also knew from prior experience that I wouldn't have to wait until the 98% marker before I was all . . . .

Bonus would be an actual storyline! (These guys were all kidnapped/drugged/100% killers/Gulag fighters/etc.) What I forgot was that Tillie Cole doesn't always use the best words when it comes to some of the sexytimes descriptions. Talking about "laving" parts just makes my mind go to turrrrrrrible places like . . . .

And I had completely forgotten about the references to a lady's "channel" . . . . .

But when we got to the "scooping her cream" I couldn't stop myself from yelling at my Kindle . . . .

Other than that this series is obviously like my crack because I keep going back to it again and again for my fix. The good news is, if this sounds awful to you there's probably a different Tillie Cole romance that will be a hit. She writes EV.ER.Y.THANG. From Young Adult stories about Boy Kisses to New Adult sportsball romances in Alabama (#rolltide) to these crazy ass books here to my absolute fave - THE MOTORCYCLE PORNO!!!!

Speaking of . . . I think I might need to come off of four bucks so I can read Crux Untamed on Porny Saturday : )

One thing you can't say is the Scarred Souls series isn't porny! So before I begin let me say this to Tillie Cole . . . .

The porny librarian ended up getting this series out of order and also I have shit for brains so I found myself confused at times regarding what info I knew from the before books and what info I wasn't supposed to yet know from the after book. But I ain't complaining, kids because this was the story I had been waiting for. Y'all can keep your pretty boy Jon Snow as long as I get dibs on . . . .

Oh The Hound. How I lurrrrv him. When I heard (in book 4 since out of order reading as mentioned above) that the leading male in Ravage was going to be all scar-faced and a "monster" I was like YES PLEASE! I also knew from prior experience that I wouldn't have to wait until the 98% marker before I was all . . . .

Bonus would be an actual storyline! (These guys were all kidnapped/drugged/100% killers/Gulag fighters/etc.) What I forgot was that Tillie Cole doesn't always use the best words when it comes to some of the sexytimes descriptions. Talking about "laving" parts just makes my mind go to turrrrrrrible places like . . . .

And I had completely forgotten about the references to a lady's "channel" . . . . .

But when we got to the "scooping her cream" I couldn't stop myself from yelling at my Kindle . . . .

Other than that this series is obviously like my crack because I keep going back to it again and again for my fix. The good news is, if this sounds awful to you there's probably a different Tillie Cole romance that will be a hit. She writes EV.ER.Y.THANG. From Young Adult stories about Boy Kisses to New Adult sportsball romances in Alabama (#rolltide) to these crazy ass books here to my absolute fave - THE MOTORCYCLE PORNO!!!!

Speaking of . . . I think I might need to come off of four bucks so I can read Crux Untamed on Porny Saturday : )
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