2 Stars
This book was so disappointing it made me want to kick a kitten! Okay, that’s not true. It actually made me want to go adopt a few since it was “kitten weekend” at the local shelter . . . .

But I’m married to Mr. Poopy Butthole and he ixnayed that suggestion pronto.
The Edge of Everything got put on my radar due to my friend Rachel’s review which stated in the first line that it was “one of the more gruesome young adult novels I've ever come across” – a fairly accurate assessment, but unfortunately that didn’t help increase my enjoyment.
Other than reading the aforementioned review, I went in to this blind. The book opened up right before a blizzard was getting ready to set in with our female lead Zoe trapped at home with her little brother. When the snow really starts coming down and little brother is nowhere to be seen, Zoe is forced to venture out to find him. What she doesn’t expect is to run across a former “friend” of her father. At this point in the story I was like . . . .

And when the character “X” appeared stating he was there to take the bad man’s soul back to the Lowlands for eternity???????

A bounty hunter from hell? Double yes to that please. I also wasn’t sure what kind of world this was going to be. But then . . . . .
“She took a photo to put on Instagram later.”

Soooooo, it’s apparently not a different world and I am stupid. No biggie. I can make an adjustment. Until . . . .
“What did she even know apart from the fact that he radiated loneliness? And that she’d been drawn to him.”
At which point I started to ask myself . . . .

Low and behold my suspicions were confirmed when X stated . . . .
“He knew then that he loved her.”
After A MOTHEREFFING DAY. And then . . .

I wish. Noooooooo, I’m a glutton for punishment so I eyerolled my way through the entire thing wishing I would be granted a quick death in order to end my misery since I was forced to acknowledge that it is official . . . . .

As Zoe would say in all of her infinite wisdom, at this point in time I have no more evens to can’t when it comes to instalove and barfable bullshit when a REALLY SOLID STORY IS TAKING THE BACKBURNER AND BEGGING TO BE TOLD. Seriously. Zoe wasn’t even needed in this godblasted thing. X’s backstory was plenty on its own and he had THE BEST sidekicks in the form of Ripper . . . .
“Unfortunately, one’s children grow distant after they’ve seen one bash a servant’s skull with a teakettle.”
As well as Banger . . . . .
“Were you always this disgusting?” she asked him. “Oh, much, much more so.”
Two stars rather than one simply for those two characters. And of course this is the first in a series . . . . .

But I’m married to Mr. Poopy Butthole and he ixnayed that suggestion pronto.
The Edge of Everything got put on my radar due to my friend Rachel’s review which stated in the first line that it was “one of the more gruesome young adult novels I've ever come across” – a fairly accurate assessment, but unfortunately that didn’t help increase my enjoyment.
Other than reading the aforementioned review, I went in to this blind. The book opened up right before a blizzard was getting ready to set in with our female lead Zoe trapped at home with her little brother. When the snow really starts coming down and little brother is nowhere to be seen, Zoe is forced to venture out to find him. What she doesn’t expect is to run across a former “friend” of her father. At this point in the story I was like . . . .

And when the character “X” appeared stating he was there to take the bad man’s soul back to the Lowlands for eternity???????

A bounty hunter from hell? Double yes to that please. I also wasn’t sure what kind of world this was going to be. But then . . . . .
“She took a photo to put on Instagram later.”

Soooooo, it’s apparently not a different world and I am stupid. No biggie. I can make an adjustment. Until . . . .
“What did she even know apart from the fact that he radiated loneliness? And that she’d been drawn to him.”
At which point I started to ask myself . . . .

Low and behold my suspicions were confirmed when X stated . . . .
“He knew then that he loved her.”
After A MOTHEREFFING DAY. And then . . .

I wish. Noooooooo, I’m a glutton for punishment so I eyerolled my way through the entire thing wishing I would be granted a quick death in order to end my misery since I was forced to acknowledge that it is official . . . . .

As Zoe would say in all of her infinite wisdom, at this point in time I have no more evens to can’t when it comes to instalove and barfable bullshit when a REALLY SOLID STORY IS TAKING THE BACKBURNER AND BEGGING TO BE TOLD. Seriously. Zoe wasn’t even needed in this godblasted thing. X’s backstory was plenty on its own and he had THE BEST sidekicks in the form of Ripper . . . .
“Unfortunately, one’s children grow distant after they’ve seen one bash a servant’s skull with a teakettle.”
As well as Banger . . . . .
“Were you always this disgusting?” she asked him. “Oh, much, much more so.”
Two stars rather than one simply for those two characters. And of course this is the first in a series . . . . .

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