4 Stars
After reading Hate F*@k at the end of the week (in front of a bunch of little leaguers’ parents even because I am the epitome of class), I definitely had a . . . . taste for something and . . . .

However, I try to only let myself fall completely down the porny rabbit hole a couple of times a year and decided I would read one of my million library books instead. When I got word that the kid would be playing at O Dark Thirty (and in B.F.E. to boot) on Sunday morning I gave myself a reprieve from freezing my ass off for the third day in a row and decided to celebrate my newly acquired alone time by watching a movie. And what should just so happen to be on at 6:00 a.m. on the holy day? Magic Mike XXL! I was like “we’ve got a lot of starving faithful – that looks tasty – that looks plenty – this is hungry work – TAKE ME TO CHURCH” . . . . .

Turns out this one wasn’t quite as freakalicious as Hate F*@ck, but since I was still riding quite a high from . . . . .

It ended up still being pretty satisfactory.
The story here is of Bentley and Margot. Back in high school the two were besties for the resties. She pined for him, he . . . well, he kinda banged the whole cheerleading squad. Then something [superbad – not sure how much of this would be a spoiler so we’ll just leave it as is] happened – leading to another superbad and you know how these books go – the two never bothered to talk anything out and all the feelings remained hurt and yada yada. Fastforward to the present where we’ve just wrapped up The Bachelor Auction that left Bentley sold to an old granny. Turns out the granny was actually working as a double-agent with the end goal of getting Bentley and Margot back together again. Things being convoluted as they are in the land of romance, there’s also a sidestory about a job promotion should Bentley complete his task which of course will eventually lead to more confusion and hurt feelings and additional yada yada. Buuuuuuuuuuuut, there is smexytimes stuff around the halfway point and that’s really all we’re here for anyway, amiright or amiright?????

If you’re interested in an angsty romance (and one with pretty legit angst, not just bullshit that makes you eyeroll), this might be a winner. I have confessed my girl crush on Rachel Van Dyken a time or twelve before, so it should be pretty obvious by now that I’ll read pretty much anything she writes – even if they don’t always work for me. I was surprised that I actually enjoyed this one more than the first in the series because I usually start screaming “JUST FUCKING TALK ALREADY” at my Kindle when there’s too much drama llama. The only minor complaints I have are as follows:
She was a hot redhead because OF COURSE SHE FUCKING WAS . . . .

Enough with the hot redheads. They are as hard to come by as a Unicorn Frappucino.
The other gripe? In The Bachelor Auction Bentley was described as . . . .
“He was about an inch shorter than Brock, but had the same perfect auburn hair.”
In this book we’re told that . . . .
“Shots of caramel mixed in with the nearly black tresses.”
But once again, didn’t really matter to me because Magic Mike XXL viewing and any description that makes me think of Matt Boner . . . errrr Bomer . . . . is a good description . . . .

ARC provided by NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

However, I try to only let myself fall completely down the porny rabbit hole a couple of times a year and decided I would read one of my million library books instead. When I got word that the kid would be playing at O Dark Thirty (and in B.F.E. to boot) on Sunday morning I gave myself a reprieve from freezing my ass off for the third day in a row and decided to celebrate my newly acquired alone time by watching a movie. And what should just so happen to be on at 6:00 a.m. on the holy day? Magic Mike XXL! I was like “we’ve got a lot of starving faithful – that looks tasty – that looks plenty – this is hungry work – TAKE ME TO CHURCH” . . . . .

Turns out this one wasn’t quite as freakalicious as Hate F*@ck, but since I was still riding quite a high from . . . . .

It ended up still being pretty satisfactory.
The story here is of Bentley and Margot. Back in high school the two were besties for the resties. She pined for him, he . . . well, he kinda banged the whole cheerleading squad. Then something [superbad – not sure how much of this would be a spoiler so we’ll just leave it as is] happened – leading to another superbad and you know how these books go – the two never bothered to talk anything out and all the feelings remained hurt and yada yada. Fastforward to the present where we’ve just wrapped up The Bachelor Auction that left Bentley sold to an old granny. Turns out the granny was actually working as a double-agent with the end goal of getting Bentley and Margot back together again. Things being convoluted as they are in the land of romance, there’s also a sidestory about a job promotion should Bentley complete his task which of course will eventually lead to more confusion and hurt feelings and additional yada yada. Buuuuuuuuuuuut, there is smexytimes stuff around the halfway point and that’s really all we’re here for anyway, amiright or amiright?????

If you’re interested in an angsty romance (and one with pretty legit angst, not just bullshit that makes you eyeroll), this might be a winner. I have confessed my girl crush on Rachel Van Dyken a time or twelve before, so it should be pretty obvious by now that I’ll read pretty much anything she writes – even if they don’t always work for me. I was surprised that I actually enjoyed this one more than the first in the series because I usually start screaming “JUST FUCKING TALK ALREADY” at my Kindle when there’s too much drama llama. The only minor complaints I have are as follows:
She was a hot redhead because OF COURSE SHE FUCKING WAS . . . .

Enough with the hot redheads. They are as hard to come by as a Unicorn Frappucino.
The other gripe? In The Bachelor Auction Bentley was described as . . . .
“He was about an inch shorter than Brock, but had the same perfect auburn hair.”
In this book we’re told that . . . .
“Shots of caramel mixed in with the nearly black tresses.”
But once again, didn’t really matter to me because Magic Mike XXL viewing and any description that makes me think of Matt Boner . . . errrr Bomer . . . . is a good description . . . .

ARC provided by NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
Thank you, NetGalley!
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