5 Stars
THIS. BOOK. Wow. I’m going to jump right in with some seriously harsh truth in order for you all to determine whether you want to read this or not. In case we haven’t yet met, here’s something you should know about me . . . .

There are A LOT of readers (mainly female) who claim they want a story that reminds them of . . . .

At the risk of offending a big pile of you, I’ve come to realize that 99.999999% of the time that statement means you’re looking for something like this . . . . .

Nine Minutes is NOT that story. It’s this one . . . .

Think I’m kidding? The book opens with the leading male walking in to the room where he’ll be receiving a lethal injection and the leading lady in the witness area to watch the whole thing go down. Yeah kids, this one ain’t pussyfootin’ around and don’t even think about a happily ever after – or a happily ever beginning or middle for that matter.
I’m not going to say a whole lot because the shock and awe factor are definitely what made it awesome. All I’m going to give you is that Nine Minutes is about a 15 year old girl who gets kidnapped by a member of the Satan’s Army motorcycle gang, is presented to the club President as a thank-you gift and follows years and years of their life together. It’s not for the faint of heart and the male lead is most definitely a super bad bad guy and he most definitely does not have a problem breaking nearly every moral code known to man and you might find yourself asking Jesus if it’s really okay for you to be enjoying something so dark and gritty so much, but if your Jesus is like mine he’ll be like “bitch move over and share some of that popcorn ‘cuz this mah fah is guuuuuuuuud” . . . . .

(^^^I’m well aware I’m going to Hell for that. I’ll save y’all good seats.)
I’m not going to say much more than that except this is a story that proves once again . . . .

And that ending??????

Seriously had no clue that was coming until it was barreling up my ass.
I would have NEVER read this if it weren’t for logging on to Goodreads on Saturday morning and seeing a private message from Shelby telling me it was free (as of 12/5/16 is still is – if you’re brave enough go get it HERE). The reason I wouldn’t have given it a second glance???? The cover . . . .

Let’s be real honest – lots of us totally judge a book by its cover and this one just screams “self-pubbed speshul snowflake that the author will troll you for reading wrong when you hate it.” I can’t promise you won’t get trolled if you read it wrong, but it will probably be by me, Shelby and Val instead of the author. And speaking of Val. WTF Val?!?!?!?! Why didn’t you recommend THIS to me when I was reading errrrrrry motorcycle book????? This is sooooooooooooooooo much more my idea of a good time than the hide the salami selections I spiraled out of control reading.

EVERY. SINGLE. MOTHER. EFFING. STAR. This is going down as Mitchell’s favorite book of the year and definitely in my Top 5.

There are A LOT of readers (mainly female) who claim they want a story that reminds them of . . . .

At the risk of offending a big pile of you, I’ve come to realize that 99.999999% of the time that statement means you’re looking for something like this . . . . .

Nine Minutes is NOT that story. It’s this one . . . .

Think I’m kidding? The book opens with the leading male walking in to the room where he’ll be receiving a lethal injection and the leading lady in the witness area to watch the whole thing go down. Yeah kids, this one ain’t pussyfootin’ around and don’t even think about a happily ever after – or a happily ever beginning or middle for that matter.
I’m not going to say a whole lot because the shock and awe factor are definitely what made it awesome. All I’m going to give you is that Nine Minutes is about a 15 year old girl who gets kidnapped by a member of the Satan’s Army motorcycle gang, is presented to the club President as a thank-you gift and follows years and years of their life together. It’s not for the faint of heart and the male lead is most definitely a super bad bad guy and he most definitely does not have a problem breaking nearly every moral code known to man and you might find yourself asking Jesus if it’s really okay for you to be enjoying something so dark and gritty so much, but if your Jesus is like mine he’ll be like “bitch move over and share some of that popcorn ‘cuz this mah fah is guuuuuuuuud” . . . . .

(^^^I’m well aware I’m going to Hell for that. I’ll save y’all good seats.)
I’m not going to say much more than that except this is a story that proves once again . . . .

And that ending??????

Seriously had no clue that was coming until it was barreling up my ass.
I would have NEVER read this if it weren’t for logging on to Goodreads on Saturday morning and seeing a private message from Shelby telling me it was free (as of 12/5/16 is still is – if you’re brave enough go get it HERE). The reason I wouldn’t have given it a second glance???? The cover . . . .

Let’s be real honest – lots of us totally judge a book by its cover and this one just screams “self-pubbed speshul snowflake that the author will troll you for reading wrong when you hate it.” I can’t promise you won’t get trolled if you read it wrong, but it will probably be by me, Shelby and Val instead of the author. And speaking of Val. WTF Val?!?!?!?! Why didn’t you recommend THIS to me when I was reading errrrrrry motorcycle book????? This is sooooooooooooooooo much more my idea of a good time than the hide the salami selections I spiraled out of control reading.

EVERY. SINGLE. MOTHER. EFFING. STAR. This is going down as Mitchell’s favorite book of the year and definitely in my Top 5.
Hi, I just downloaded the book on Amazon, and started following Val on Goodreads (I was already following Shelby apparently). I suspect maybe I'm already following you and that's why I have your blog in my reader... but I can't figure it out.