2 Stars

Ever since Alice was a little girl she’s been accompanied by Max in her dreams. Whether scuba diving around an old pirate ship or floating down a milk river on Cinnamon Toast Crunch rafts, Max has always been by her side. As much as Alice wishes Max was a part her real life, each morning when she wakes . . . .

That is until she starts a new school and Max walks into her classroom. Strange things begin to happen the more Alice gets to know the real life Max making her question is this the real life or is it just fantasy????

Sadly my reaction to this story was pretty much . . . .

I appreciated the attempt at a fresh spin on a love story, and the “knowing each other in dreams” made Alice’s instalove not quite so barfable, but it still wasn’t great. And the love interest himself?????? Ugh. Super Douche Cheatie McCheater Pants who deserved a big fat kick in the nutsack for being so effing wishy-washy. Get your shit together! I realize I’m soooooooo not the right demographic for this one and for any of you parents who may be wondering it's (in my opinion, which let’s face it is pretty warped and disturbing so you might not want to listen) perfectly benign and fine for the teenie bopper set to read if they are looking for fluffy good times with a happily-ever-after tied up in a pretty red bow. However, since I’m a geezer I was hoping Alice would have a miraculous wake-up call and see . . . .

I wanted her true love to be discovered with Oliver instead. Oh Oliver . . . .
“ It’s a little too soon to tell, but I’m pretty sure she is going to be my first wife.”
One of these days someone will figure out that this guy should be the one who gets the girl . . . .

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