2 Stars
Looks like the cheese sure stands alone on this one . . .

Let me ‘splain myself. There are certain things that grab my attention/make me want to read something ASAP. Those things are of both the bright and shiny variety which is a beautiful cover (check) and saying things like the story contained within the purrrty cover will be “a blend of District 9 and The Outsiders” (check). When said story doesn’t deliver I have much disappoint.
Now, that’s not saying everything about this one was bad (hence the 2 Stars rather than 1 . . . ‘cause you all know I don’t hesitate to give a 1). The premise was a good one . . .
Coney Island is no longer the way we all picture it. Three years ago things changed and the area became a war zone of sorts. Refugees known as “Alpha” flooded the beach by the thousands and a militarized tent city was set up in order to contain them. The young members of these families will now be integrated into the existing school system in hopes that race relations will improve.
Good thing #1 – Today’s history classes suck and racism still runs rampant. Books that encourage kids to look at “fictional” storylines that mimic real-life/teach valuable lessons are super cool by me.
Good thing #2 – The writing was pretty solid . . .
"You can hear them coming from blocks away, a low thrum like the plucking of a bass string. As they grow closer it becomes a buzz in your inner ear, like hornets building a nest in your brain. By the time they reach your street, when they are right outside your window, the sound is unbearable: a rogue wave of moans and shrieks that rises higher and higher into a great crescendo of terror, the stuff of nightmares."
Good thing #3 – The “bad guys.” I had no clue what was going to come out of the water, so imagine my delight when it was people like this . . .

and this . . .

It was all going swimmingly (Ha! Hilarious). That is, until this happened . . .

You know what that means, right? INSTALOVE and an immediate cease and desist of any and all action/story progression/etc. Why take a plot that is filled with so much potential and just stink it up with a love story????? If I read any more of that crap, well . . .

I’m ready for “Very Realistic YA” to become more than just a hashtag . . .

Oh, and of course this is going to be a series. Nope. Not gonna do it. All the filler in Book #1 was proof that this could have easily been wrapped up in one stand-alone novel. The only thing that could convince me otherwise???? If this guy joins the story . . .

ARC provided by Edelweiss in exchange for an honest review.

Let me ‘splain myself. There are certain things that grab my attention/make me want to read something ASAP. Those things are of both the bright and shiny variety which is a beautiful cover (check) and saying things like the story contained within the purrrty cover will be “a blend of District 9 and The Outsiders” (check). When said story doesn’t deliver I have much disappoint.
Now, that’s not saying everything about this one was bad (hence the 2 Stars rather than 1 . . . ‘cause you all know I don’t hesitate to give a 1). The premise was a good one . . .
Coney Island is no longer the way we all picture it. Three years ago things changed and the area became a war zone of sorts. Refugees known as “Alpha” flooded the beach by the thousands and a militarized tent city was set up in order to contain them. The young members of these families will now be integrated into the existing school system in hopes that race relations will improve.
Good thing #1 – Today’s history classes suck and racism still runs rampant. Books that encourage kids to look at “fictional” storylines that mimic real-life/teach valuable lessons are super cool by me.
Good thing #2 – The writing was pretty solid . . .
"You can hear them coming from blocks away, a low thrum like the plucking of a bass string. As they grow closer it becomes a buzz in your inner ear, like hornets building a nest in your brain. By the time they reach your street, when they are right outside your window, the sound is unbearable: a rogue wave of moans and shrieks that rises higher and higher into a great crescendo of terror, the stuff of nightmares."
Good thing #3 – The “bad guys.” I had no clue what was going to come out of the water, so imagine my delight when it was people like this . . .

and this . . .

It was all going swimmingly (Ha! Hilarious). That is, until this happened . . .

You know what that means, right? INSTALOVE and an immediate cease and desist of any and all action/story progression/etc. Why take a plot that is filled with so much potential and just stink it up with a love story????? If I read any more of that crap, well . . .

I’m ready for “Very Realistic YA” to become more than just a hashtag . . .

Oh, and of course this is going to be a series. Nope. Not gonna do it. All the filler in Book #1 was proof that this could have easily been wrapped up in one stand-alone novel. The only thing that could convince me otherwise???? If this guy joins the story . . .

ARC provided by Edelweiss in exchange for an honest review.
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