1 Star
My reaction upon finishing?????

Never Never has earned it’s 1 Star for one reason and one reason alone - IT’S NOT A BOOK! And before anyone goes all Sassy Troll on me, I’mma beat you to the punch and say NOPE – IT’S NOT A NOVELLA EITHER. It is a third of a book. It’s the equivalent of going to your local bookstore, picking a 300 page book off the shelf, ripping the first 100 or so pages out, reading only that portion of the story, and having the clerk tell you the next 100 pages won't be available for you to read for another 5 months . . .

I’ve read a couple of CoHo books, so upon starting I figured it would be something like this . . .

What it was instead? Well, I don’t even know since the story never went ANYWHERE in the 118 pages provided on my Nook version. In order to prevent mass spoilage, I'll just say all you ever really know is Silas and Charlie “wake up” with no memories.
Silas was your typical New Adult male MC. You know, the kind all the girls will be dropping their panties for all over the interwebs. Kinda like this guy . . .

Unless you’re Erica. Then you are probably picturing someone like this instead . . .

Never Never has earned it’s 1 Star for one reason and one reason alone - IT’S NOT A BOOK! And before anyone goes all Sassy Troll on me, I’mma beat you to the punch and say NOPE – IT’S NOT A NOVELLA EITHER. It is a third of a book. It’s the equivalent of going to your local bookstore, picking a 300 page book off the shelf, ripping the first 100 or so pages out, reading only that portion of the story, and having the clerk tell you the next 100 pages won't be available for you to read for another 5 months . . .

I’ve read a couple of CoHo books, so upon starting I figured it would be something like this . . .

What it was instead? Well, I don’t even know since the story never went ANYWHERE in the 118 pages provided on my Nook version. In order to prevent mass spoilage, I'll just say all you ever really know is Silas and Charlie “wake up” with no memories.
Silas was your typical New Adult male MC. You know, the kind all the girls will be dropping their panties for all over the interwebs. Kinda like this guy . . .

Unless you’re Erica. Then you are probably picturing someone like this instead . . .

Charlie was your typical New Adult female MC . . .

(Why do men get such a bad rap for writing terrible female characters? Female writers are just as bad.)
The rest of the “book” was spent . . . well, kinda doing nothing. And that ending????

That’s not to say Never Never can’t end up being decent by the time it’s all done. This should have served as a lesson that publication dates/pre-orders shouldn’t be accepted before an author (or in this case, authors) is anywhere close to being finished with a story. Calling it a “series” when it’s obviously a stand-alone novel broken into three sections is more than a bit shady. Not to mention all the superfans (many who are young girls spending their allowance) who will be dropping THREE TIMES the price they normally do in order to read what is really one book . . . .

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