3 Stars

“I ask you, would a madman create a cherry tree with fruits that ooze deadly poison? Would a madman develop blades of grass sharp enough to slice off your fingers?”
Mitchell says no to all of the above.
Jeff Strand won my heart with Kumquat, so when Dan’s review of this little freebie popped up I was all over it like flies on a pu pu platter. What an adorable horror this one turned out to be.
This is the (super short) tale of Specimen 313 and his experiences in the lab when he gets a new neighbor. It’s a reminder that just because you get all . . .

sometimes when you meet someone instalove doesn’t happen in the real world and it takes some time to get to the stage of . . .

but in the meantime it’s cool to focus on developing a friendship and other important things in life . . .

Oh, and if you ever do get to the love stage??? Make sure you protect yourself . . .

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