Monday, March 23, 2015

Pride of Baghdad by Brian K. Vaughan - Art by Niko Henrichon

2 Stars
Pride of Baghdad is the story of four lions who escaped from the Baghdad zoo after a bombing raid. It was inspired by actual events. It probably goes without saying it wasn’t all happy-go-lucky like The Lion King . . .

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Although I was totally crossing my fingers that the male lion would have a voice like Scar . . .

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I was hoping the combination of a graphic novel (a/k/a pitcherbook) and the use of animals rather than people to tell the story would persuade my non-reader into reading. I thought I’d get the added bonus of the subject matter making him ponder some deeper subjects like the price of freedom . . .

“There’s an old saying, Zill. Freedom can’t be given, only earned.

Yeah, well, there’s another old saying. You don’t look a gift house in the mouth . . . you eat him.”

and making your own way in the world . . .

“We can’t wait around for some miracle to change the world for us. We have to take control of our destinies.”

as well as provide some harsh truths about war . . .

“Keepers, two leggers, Man . . . don’t matter what you call ‘em, they’re all the same.

What are they fighting about?

Damned if I know, son.”

I figured the story would keep his interest by being told from the perspective of some anthropomorphized kings of the jungle (and maybe even a few butthole monkeys) . . .

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And I knew the outcome of the true events, so I was prepared for the ending and a possible discussion of why things went down the way they did. What I wasn’t prepared for was lion rape. Are you serious right now?

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I’m not even going to get into an argument if there is such a thing in the wild as lions raping each other, but can we make it so my child can read something that makes him think just a little bit without throwing every-f*&^ing-hot-button-topic into the mix? FFS! (In case you were wondering, no I didn’t force the tiny human into reading this one.)

Now let’s discuss the artwork. Look at this cover . . .

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DEVINE! Inside there was some pretty amazing stuff too . . .

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including honest, yet horrifyingly graphic, depictions of the toll of war on the zoo . . .

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But even the art failed me at some point, when the colorist decided war in a desert obviously would look very “deserty” . . .

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Jeebus, there are other crayons in the box besides ORANGE!

End result? 2 Stars. It was just okay. Good news is I’ve pretty much been guaranteed Saga will make up for this one. . .

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