4 Stars
How can I describe my feelings about my experience with Choose Your Own Autobiography???? Well, this pretty much sums it up:

Buckle up friends ‘cause this might be a long one . . . Where do I even begin???? I guess I should take my inspiration from NPH and sit down at the computer in order to journal my feelings:

Let me start by saying you kind of have to be a NPH Fangirl to really appreciate this book. Although funny, Neil’s story focuses more on the actual story of his life rather than the hardiest of har-har anecdotal moments. Luckily for me I am a superfan and spent the better part of the summer attempting to score a free copy of Choose Your Own Autobiography. Guess what??? Persistence (and the fact that I confessed I was willing to do anything for a freebie) paid off and I was totally able to “get inside” NPH, if you will . . .

And what did I learn that I didn’t know before? A lot. Neil Patrick Harris is so open about . . . well, everything. Not only does he tell you about every aspect of his career from his start as Doogie Howser, M.D. . . .

I totally wanted to bang Doogie when I was a kid and received massive amounts of flack for it. I obviously knew what he was going to grow into

(Mommy likey!!!!)
to box office failure (but massive success in the pop culture arena) . . .

to massive success on the big screen . . .

to the weirdest little blog with the biggest following in the history of ever . . .

to a return to network television in one of the most wildly popular shows (with a completely less-than-stellar ending) . . .

to triumph and a Tony about one angry little inch . . .

Neil Patrick Harris has done it (and talks about it) all. Including dishing on all of the D-listers of Hollywood who have shown themselves to be d-bags (Doherty, Screech, Anne Heche, Kelsey Grammar, Scott Caan (Who???? Wait, am I the only person in the world who didn’t know not only this guy’s name but that he’s James Caan’s son???? I’ll just crawl back under my rock now).
Not only does NPH discuss his professional life, but he talks about everything else as well. He’s awesomely self-deprecating (especially when it comes to describing matters of the “heart,” if you will). From his sexuality to family to drug usage (easy there, killer, he was never a Lindsay Blowhan - he merely dabbled), he talks about every aspect of his life. He even throws in some card tricks and a couple of food and cocktail recipes for good measure. He SERIOUSLY covers his life story – I mean all the way up to the Heineken commercials which only began airing a few months ago. And he speaks of his parents, his partner David, and his children with such complete adoration that it almost made rain fall out of my face.
So, how did my adventure end? Wellllllll . . . I after I found myself in a twisted plotline involving murder and decapitation of hitchhikers I figured I better start over and read the book from the beginning so that’s just what I did. Cover to cover. And now???

Neil Patrick Harris’ story was LEGEN

ARC provided by Blogging for Books in exchange for an honest review

Buckle up friends ‘cause this might be a long one . . . Where do I even begin???? I guess I should take my inspiration from NPH and sit down at the computer in order to journal my feelings:

Let me start by saying you kind of have to be a NPH Fangirl to really appreciate this book. Although funny, Neil’s story focuses more on the actual story of his life rather than the hardiest of har-har anecdotal moments. Luckily for me I am a superfan and spent the better part of the summer attempting to score a free copy of Choose Your Own Autobiography. Guess what??? Persistence (and the fact that I confessed I was willing to do anything for a freebie) paid off and I was totally able to “get inside” NPH, if you will . . .

And what did I learn that I didn’t know before? A lot. Neil Patrick Harris is so open about . . . well, everything. Not only does he tell you about every aspect of his career from his start as Doogie Howser, M.D. . . .

I totally wanted to bang Doogie when I was a kid and received massive amounts of flack for it. I obviously knew what he was going to grow into

(Mommy likey!!!!)
to box office failure (but massive success in the pop culture arena) . . .

to massive success on the big screen . . .

to the weirdest little blog with the biggest following in the history of ever . . .

to a return to network television in one of the most wildly popular shows (with a completely less-than-stellar ending) . . .

to triumph and a Tony about one angry little inch . . .

Neil Patrick Harris has done it (and talks about it) all. Including dishing on all of the D-listers of Hollywood who have shown themselves to be d-bags (Doherty, Screech, Anne Heche, Kelsey Grammar, Scott Caan (Who???? Wait, am I the only person in the world who didn’t know not only this guy’s name but that he’s James Caan’s son???? I’ll just crawl back under my rock now).
Not only does NPH discuss his professional life, but he talks about everything else as well. He’s awesomely self-deprecating (especially when it comes to describing matters of the “heart,” if you will). From his sexuality to family to drug usage (easy there, killer, he was never a Lindsay Blowhan - he merely dabbled), he talks about every aspect of his life. He even throws in some card tricks and a couple of food and cocktail recipes for good measure. He SERIOUSLY covers his life story – I mean all the way up to the Heineken commercials which only began airing a few months ago. And he speaks of his parents, his partner David, and his children with such complete adoration that it almost made rain fall out of my face.
So, how did my adventure end? Wellllllll . . . I after I found myself in a twisted plotline involving murder and decapitation of hitchhikers I figured I better start over and read the book from the beginning so that’s just what I did. Cover to cover. And now???

Neil Patrick Harris’ story was LEGEN

ARC provided by Blogging for Books in exchange for an honest review
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