4 Stars
When I heard there was a book that focused on the magic and majesty which was the 1980s – well, I was so happy I could’ve gyrated all over the top of a sportscar . . .

In what may have been a Goodreads first, I even spammed the author asking for the release date in order to obtain a copy ASAP.
After Last Call focuses on a 20-something named Lola. Spoiler alert: She’s not a showgirl nor does whatever Lola wants automatically become something that Lola gets. In fact, after moving all the way from Miami to California with her boyfriend, she can’t even manage to get him to keep it in his pants . . .

That’s what I said!
Anyway, after finding out her skeevy cokehead beau likes to take a tumble in their bed with the local valley girls Lola packs up, moves out, and moves in with a co-worker who does what any good girlfriend does when their bestie has a break up – she takes her out to get loaded and laid . . . .

It works and Lola has herself a one-nighter with a super stud from the Northeast . . .

(Okay, the dude she bangs is from Boston, but COME ON you gotta let me use a Springsteen butt gif when I have the opportunity!)
The story progresses and Lola gets herself a promotion from cocktail waitress to bartender . . .

And discovers that a new co-worker’s reckless lifestyle choices may have led to her untimely demise.
After Last Call was so different from most books I read. Although there was a bit of a mystery, it was A-okay to know the whodunit part and, if you’re a heartless b*&^h like me, you didn’t even feel particularly sorry for the victim. This was also a romance, but not a pukey non-stop bang session, more of a slow buildup with the “fade to black” kind of lovemaking that is rarely used, but that I sometimes prefer. At the end of it all, it was simply a fun read . . .

DISCLOSURE: As I stated above, I approached Derrolyn Anderson in order to purchase a copy of this book for review. In the land of Goodreads most users have experienced everything from the minimum of watching sockpuppets bump ratings for authors to being trolled by authors (and/or their family members) to the extremes like having nutters show up on doorsteps or pen actual STORIES about the “reviewer who dared do them wrong.” I had followed Derrolyn (but she had not followed me) for quite a long time due to her hilarious status updates. She is an author who does not review and does not spam others with read/review requests (but somehow has managed to get herself labeled a “bully” anyway – welcome to the club, Derrolyn, we have alcohol here). In light of the most recent BBA, I decided I wanted to do something to counteract all the awful . . .

Okay, that’s a little extreme. Instead I decided to read more stuff by indie authors who are simply awesome members and Derrolyn’s new book instantly came to mind. Bonus that it worked out for me and I liked it, ‘cause y’all know I’m honest. Additional bonus is that I asked where to buy a copy and Derrolyn sent me one for free. Because she’s amazing.
Derrolyn, here’s your badge. You earned it!

And even John Bender has to raise his fist in tribute to your ability to write a story set in the 1980s that managed to be entertaining and have a plot rather than just barfing the 1980s all over the place . . .

Oh, one more thing. After Last Call may be a standalone novel, but I think there is plenty of opportunity to continue this as a series and follow more of Lola’s life. Maybe in the next installment she can get a pet ; )

In what may have been a Goodreads first, I even spammed the author asking for the release date in order to obtain a copy ASAP.
After Last Call focuses on a 20-something named Lola. Spoiler alert: She’s not a showgirl nor does whatever Lola wants automatically become something that Lola gets. In fact, after moving all the way from Miami to California with her boyfriend, she can’t even manage to get him to keep it in his pants . . .

That’s what I said!
Anyway, after finding out her skeevy cokehead beau likes to take a tumble in their bed with the local valley girls Lola packs up, moves out, and moves in with a co-worker who does what any good girlfriend does when their bestie has a break up – she takes her out to get loaded and laid . . . .

It works and Lola has herself a one-nighter with a super stud from the Northeast . . .

(Okay, the dude she bangs is from Boston, but COME ON you gotta let me use a Springsteen butt gif when I have the opportunity!)
The story progresses and Lola gets herself a promotion from cocktail waitress to bartender . . .

And discovers that a new co-worker’s reckless lifestyle choices may have led to her untimely demise.
After Last Call was so different from most books I read. Although there was a bit of a mystery, it was A-okay to know the whodunit part and, if you’re a heartless b*&^h like me, you didn’t even feel particularly sorry for the victim. This was also a romance, but not a pukey non-stop bang session, more of a slow buildup with the “fade to black” kind of lovemaking that is rarely used, but that I sometimes prefer. At the end of it all, it was simply a fun read . . .

DISCLOSURE: As I stated above, I approached Derrolyn Anderson in order to purchase a copy of this book for review. In the land of Goodreads most users have experienced everything from the minimum of watching sockpuppets bump ratings for authors to being trolled by authors (and/or their family members) to the extremes like having nutters show up on doorsteps or pen actual STORIES about the “reviewer who dared do them wrong.” I had followed Derrolyn (but she had not followed me) for quite a long time due to her hilarious status updates. She is an author who does not review and does not spam others with read/review requests (but somehow has managed to get herself labeled a “bully” anyway – welcome to the club, Derrolyn, we have alcohol here). In light of the most recent BBA, I decided I wanted to do something to counteract all the awful . . .

Okay, that’s a little extreme. Instead I decided to read more stuff by indie authors who are simply awesome members and Derrolyn’s new book instantly came to mind. Bonus that it worked out for me and I liked it, ‘cause y’all know I’m honest. Additional bonus is that I asked where to buy a copy and Derrolyn sent me one for free. Because she’s amazing.
Derrolyn, here’s your badge. You earned it!

And even John Bender has to raise his fist in tribute to your ability to write a story set in the 1980s that managed to be entertaining and have a plot rather than just barfing the 1980s all over the place . . .

Oh, one more thing. After Last Call may be a standalone novel, but I think there is plenty of opportunity to continue this as a series and follow more of Lola’s life. Maybe in the next installment she can get a pet ; )

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