4 Stars
When I saw the theme of the winter library challenge was “Classics Re-Mixed” I knew Pride and Prejudice and Zombieswas going to be one of the five books I would read – or in this case re-read. I’m not a “re-reader” by nature, but P&Pis one of my all-time faves that I own as a leather bound collection, a $7.00 B&N cheapy collection, a hardback and one I actually allow myself to read. Adding in the Zs to this timeless classic just made everything old brand new again for me.
The original was written over two hundred years ago and there are one and three-quarter MILLION ratings on Goodreads for it, so obviously I probably don’t need to go into detail when it comes to the synopsis. To briefly sum it up here's a snippet from the publisher’s blurb: P&P is about the “splendidly civilized sparring between the proud Mr. Darcy and the prejudiced Elizabeth Bennet as they play out their spirited courtship in a series of eighteenth-century drawing-room intrigues.” Seth Grahame-Smith’s version pays homage to the original – maintaining the cast of characters, storyline, the style of writing, etc. He simply adds a little something extra to the re-mix . . .
Everything else remains true. Elizabeth is still a feisty female voice that women can applaud, Mr. Darcy remains a proud and arrogant male counterpart, who still somehow maintains dreamboat status . . .
#swoon And I’m choosing THIS gif because Mr. Firth is the only Darcy for me thankyouverylittle. But look who has a part in the movie . . .
The Doctor! Totes adorbs.
If you don’t like the original, you most likely will not like the modernization either. But if you do? I highly recommend checking out Grahame-Smith’s version. He’s pretty much a genius when it comes to re-writing history.
Oh, and in case you’ve been following this was my FINALbook for the Winter Reading Challenge. THE LIMITED EDITION COFFEE MUG IS NOW MIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINE!
Many thanks to the library in the ‘burbs for putting on such a fun challenge. Let the countdown to next year begin!
I don't always re-read books (well actually I hardly ever do), but when I do I make sure to kick it old school, first generation Nook style because I'm too cheap to buy another copy and my library waiting list is too long . . .
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