3 Stars
If you belong to the following . . .

there is ZERO reason for you to ever pick up Mike and Dave Need Wedding Dates. On the other hand, if you laugh at every raunchy/inappropriate joke within each Judd Apatow film and remain firmly planted in the "I Wanna Bang Vince Vaughn's Film Characters (Both the Fat and Thin Versions)" or know what OTPHJ stands for this might be the book for you.
I requested Mike and Dave from the library after yet another damn list of "stuff you should read before it becomes a movie in 2016" came across my Facebook feed. I figured even if I didn't enjoy the book I'd most definitely enjoy the film . . .

I also requested about eleven hundred and seventy-two NetGalley books at the exact same time so I had zero intention of reading this one until the library demanded I return it. But then I had a crazy day at work and decided to chat it up with my fave gal on the phone and down a few cold ones . . .

Well, I did until I woke up this morning. Reality check is me = old and no longer able to stay up late. What better cure for what ailed me then to read a book about two brothers and their drunken antics, right????
If you aren't familiar with Mike and Dave or why the hell they would ever get a book deal, let me show you how they earned their fifteen minutes . . . .

This is what bored guys who suck at bagging babes do in their spare time (a/k/a while dumping a load). The brothers say with regard to their sudden celebrity . . . .
"What the fuck is the matter with you, America?"
As I said before, this is definitely not a book for everyone (hate to be sexist, but I will go out on a limb and say that some of the bros may like this but the majority of my fellow hos will not). That doesn't make Mike and Dave's stories unfunny, though. It's a real shame the blurb references Tucker Max, because that dude? Ugh . . . .

While Mike and Dave are shallow and sometimes real examples of pigmen at least they own it and admit the goal of their adventures was "to get weird and maybe have a couple of 'gasms along the way." And when they failed at picking up chicks? It was pretty hilarious . . .

It's not all about sex with Mike and Dave either (mainly because they seem to be kind of horrible at sealing the deal). They also share some other moments . . .

that had me LOLing for real and freely admitted to their various man-crushes . . .

Ahhh, to be that pu$..... (oops, sorry - got off track for a second there). Anyway, if you aren't easily offended and want a cheap laugh, this isn't awful. And if not? Zac Efron's abs in the movie DEFINITELY won't be awful. Mike and Dave also taught me about the "Bill Murray Montana Cooler" so next New Year's Eve should be full of win : )

there is ZERO reason for you to ever pick up Mike and Dave Need Wedding Dates. On the other hand, if you laugh at every raunchy/inappropriate joke within each Judd Apatow film and remain firmly planted in the "I Wanna Bang Vince Vaughn's Film Characters (Both the Fat and Thin Versions)" or know what OTPHJ stands for this might be the book for you.
I requested Mike and Dave from the library after yet another damn list of "stuff you should read before it becomes a movie in 2016" came across my Facebook feed. I figured even if I didn't enjoy the book I'd most definitely enjoy the film . . .

I also requested about eleven hundred and seventy-two NetGalley books at the exact same time so I had zero intention of reading this one until the library demanded I return it. But then I had a crazy day at work and decided to chat it up with my fave gal on the phone and down a few cold ones . . .

Well, I did until I woke up this morning. Reality check is me = old and no longer able to stay up late. What better cure for what ailed me then to read a book about two brothers and their drunken antics, right????
If you aren't familiar with Mike and Dave or why the hell they would ever get a book deal, let me show you how they earned their fifteen minutes . . . .

This is what bored guys who suck at bagging babes do in their spare time (a/k/a while dumping a load). The brothers say with regard to their sudden celebrity . . . .
"What the fuck is the matter with you, America?"
As I said before, this is definitely not a book for everyone (hate to be sexist, but I will go out on a limb and say that some of the bros may like this but the majority of my fellow hos will not). That doesn't make Mike and Dave's stories unfunny, though. It's a real shame the blurb references Tucker Max, because that dude? Ugh . . . .

While Mike and Dave are shallow and sometimes real examples of pigmen at least they own it and admit the goal of their adventures was "to get weird and maybe have a couple of 'gasms along the way." And when they failed at picking up chicks? It was pretty hilarious . . .

It's not all about sex with Mike and Dave either (mainly because they seem to be kind of horrible at sealing the deal). They also share some other moments . . .

that had me LOLing for real and freely admitted to their various man-crushes . . .

Ahhh, to be that pu$..... (oops, sorry - got off track for a second there). Anyway, if you aren't easily offended and want a cheap laugh, this isn't awful. And if not? Zac Efron's abs in the movie DEFINITELY won't be awful. Mike and Dave also taught me about the "Bill Murray Montana Cooler" so next New Year's Eve should be full of win : )
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