2 Stars
It’s not even February and I’m already eight reviews behind for the year. There’s not gonna be a whole lotta thought thrown in to this one. So basically, it’ll be just like all of my other reviews.
Bound was another tale that fell under the criteria for the library challenge “Classics Re-Mixed.” The spin this go ‘round was on the story of Cinderella. Xing Xing was once a cherished first daughter, but since the death of both of her parents she has been turned into pretty much a servant for herwicked stepmother and evil half-sister. Basically Xing Xing’s life resembles something kinda like this . . .

But Xing Xing doesn’t let the situation get her down. She spends as much time as she can sneaking secret enjoyment for herself – like practicing calligraphy and visiting the beautiful fish who lives in the pool where she fetches water for the family. Xing Xing is most definitely the Taylor Swift of orphans . . . .

As the village prepares for the annual festival, Xing Xing’s stepsister readies herself to finally meet her husband and Xing Xing readies herself for more of the same ol' shit. But when a [really pretty horrible spoilery thing happens] Xing Xing decides SHE will attend the festival as well. Unfortunately before Xing Xing has a chance to really enjoy herself she is spotted and must make a quick break for it . . . .

And in the process loses a shoe. Wouldn’t you know it, the Prince had attended the festival and has his mind made up that whoever fits the shoe shall be his wife. You know the rest . . . .

My lack of enjoyment of this story is most likely my own fault. I’ve said before I’m not a big fan of the “Disney Princess” stories and this one was a little too like the original for me to totally get on board. I don’t know what to say for myself except if I went to the ball I’d want to get my drink on and not have some super creeper who I never even met before occupying all my time on the dance floor. Thanks, but . . .

This selection was chosen as part of my library’s Winter Reading Challenge. Only ONE more book and the limited edition coffee mug will be MIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINE!

Bound was another tale that fell under the criteria for the library challenge “Classics Re-Mixed.” The spin this go ‘round was on the story of Cinderella. Xing Xing was once a cherished first daughter, but since the death of both of her parents she has been turned into pretty much a servant for her

But Xing Xing doesn’t let the situation get her down. She spends as much time as she can sneaking secret enjoyment for herself – like practicing calligraphy and visiting the beautiful fish who lives in the pool where she fetches water for the family. Xing Xing is most definitely the Taylor Swift of orphans . . . .

As the village prepares for the annual festival, Xing Xing’s stepsister readies herself to finally meet her husband and Xing Xing readies herself for more of the same ol' shit. But when a [really pretty horrible spoilery thing happens] Xing Xing decides SHE will attend the festival as well. Unfortunately before Xing Xing has a chance to really enjoy herself she is spotted and must make a quick break for it . . . .

And in the process loses a shoe. Wouldn’t you know it, the Prince had attended the festival and has his mind made up that whoever fits the shoe shall be his wife. You know the rest . . . .

My lack of enjoyment of this story is most likely my own fault. I’ve said before I’m not a big fan of the “Disney Princess” stories and this one was a little too like the original for me to totally get on board. I don’t know what to say for myself except if I went to the ball I’d want to get my drink on and not have some super creeper who I never even met before occupying all my time on the dance floor. Thanks, but . . .

This selection was chosen as part of my library’s Winter Reading Challenge. Only ONE more book and the limited edition coffee mug will be MIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINE!

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