3.5 Stars
Twenty-one years ago little Joey Proctor was left alone on a raft in the middle of a lake at summer camp by his counselor Alex and told to swim back. He was never seen again. You know how that ends, right????

Well, maybe not exactly like that but there’s definitely some sort of blast from the past going on in the form of pranks and creepy almost-interactions and all signs point to Joey. The only question is how high will be the body count get before Alex can figure out what exactly is going on?
Oh, this was fun times. I love when I don’t see all the twists coming and I love it even more when the pacing is so quick that it doesn’t give me much time to even hypothesize. I really loved that douche La’Rouche Alex didn’t somehow grow up to be some upstanding citizen, but instead a philandering uggo of a real estate developer in NYC – which may provide a bit of a sense of déjà vu to some of you and have you hoping he would eventually what was coming to him. (I can only assume his mouth must look like a tiny little butthole . . . .

because that wasn’t included in his description.)
If you’re the type of dickhead who can’t sit through Game of Thrones because it isn’t realistic that Samwell Tarly would still be fat . . . . .

This definitely isn’t the book for you. All the fun comes in the form of it being completely over-the-top. If you choose to read it, I can almost guaranty a polar reaction. Either you’re going to embrace the crazy, or you’re gonna pull a Ron . . . . .

This is a beachy read. A poolside read. A Thank-Jeebus-It’s-The-Weekend-Now-Where-Did-I-Leave-That-Box-Of-Wine type of read. It’s not going to change your life, but it might help you . . . .

And to all the other authors who have been attempting revenge stories recently?????

Well, maybe not exactly like that but there’s definitely some sort of blast from the past going on in the form of pranks and creepy almost-interactions and all signs point to Joey. The only question is how high will be the body count get before Alex can figure out what exactly is going on?
Oh, this was fun times. I love when I don’t see all the twists coming and I love it even more when the pacing is so quick that it doesn’t give me much time to even hypothesize. I really loved that douche La’Rouche Alex didn’t somehow grow up to be some upstanding citizen, but instead a philandering uggo of a real estate developer in NYC – which may provide a bit of a sense of déjà vu to some of you and have you hoping he would eventually what was coming to him. (I can only assume his mouth must look like a tiny little butthole . . . .

because that wasn’t included in his description.)
If you’re the type of dickhead who can’t sit through Game of Thrones because it isn’t realistic that Samwell Tarly would still be fat . . . . .

This definitely isn’t the book for you. All the fun comes in the form of it being completely over-the-top. If you choose to read it, I can almost guaranty a polar reaction. Either you’re going to embrace the crazy, or you’re gonna pull a Ron . . . . .

This is a beachy read. A poolside read. A Thank-Jeebus-It’s-The-Weekend-Now-Where-Did-I-Leave-That-Box-Of-Wine type of read. It’s not going to change your life, but it might help you . . . .

And to all the other authors who have been attempting revenge stories recently?????

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