2 Stars
“Nothing of value is free. Even the breath of life is purchased at birth only through gasping effort and pain.”
Since NPH is one of the reasons Starship Troopers remains a favorite film of mine, I think I’ll let him express my sentiments on the paper version . . .

I need to realize that sometimes it’s okay to not read the book. Starship Troopers is such a cult classic – it’s just soooooo bad that it somehow became great. The book, on the other hand? Well – it clearly inspired the film, but it doesn’t have the same style at all. Translation – the book is smart and while I was reading I was all like . . .

because I am stupid.
Things I found enjoyable were as follows:
1. The characters were from Terra. Know who else is from Terra????

2. There was plenty of world building. Barely a grain of sand went without being described . . .

3. In a roundabout way it was still a story of war with icky critters . . .

The bad??? It was boring. We’re talking a real snooze-a-rama . . .

The style is definitely love it or hate it and sadly I didn’t love it. I wanted this . . . .

Instead, I got something that read like a futuristic military member’s journal. And it wasn’t even someone awesome like Captain Kirk or Picard – it was more like the life and styles of one Ensign Crusher. Y’all know what the reaction to that would be, right????

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