I have a confession to make. My name is Kelly and I am addicted to Fixer Upper. Maybe not as much as the woman I see all around town wearing various shirts with stuff like this on the front . . . .

I have one thing to say to her . . . .

But I am addicted enough that the DVR is set to record every episode and I watch every single one of them – even the ones I’ve already seen three or four times.
I arrived late to the Fixer Upper party – only discovering it this year. I’m not a big television watcher to begin with and thanks to a house full of men with sports and Netflix addictions, there was no way Chip and Joanna could even ping my radar. Then one day I was home alone, sick in bed and flipped over to HGTV just in time for an episode of Fixer Upper. Since I am an idiot who doesn’t know how to use a remote control, I ended up hitting the button that would record the entire series. Thank goodness, because I was instantly hooked and completely smitten with both Chip and JoJo.
While I had no idea before, I quickly discovered that my style probably easily falls into the “modern farmhouse” category . . . .

(With a lot more color than Joanna’s “nearly everything should be white” line of thinking.)
I found out my most favorite day is definitely . . . .

And I was even willing to go to my arch enemy . . . .

Ugh, Target . . . .

In order to check out the new Magnolia Home line. Or as my husband would say: “SHIPLACK” . . . .

I don’t care if this little book is an additional money grab by the Gaines family or a puff piece or whatever else anyone wants to call it. Chip and Joanna seem legitimately wonderful (and I am terrified of discovering they aren’t as perfect as they appear to be) who should cash in on these “15 minutes” of fame to the fullest extent. That being said, I probably won't ever get around to reading this BECAUSE it is most likely not much more than fluff and a money grab and I don’t want to have to be honest and give it a low rating should I read it and not like it. I’m simply going to leave this little bit of nothing out in the universe since I do like this couple so much . . . . and I don’t like anyone so that’s really saying something. I’m also going to leave this here . . . . .

I swear Joanna must be a saint. Chip makes for fun T.V., but living with him would be like herding cats : )
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