4 Stars
“We are all Fate’s bastards.”

In what may be the longest synopsis in the history of the universe, Moore does a great job telling that his book is actually a retelling of King Lear. The differences in the modern version? Fool is told from Pocket the Fool’s perspective and the tale is presented as a comedy rather than a tragedy. Things that remain the same? The cast of characters (Lear and his three daughters with a bevy of supporting cast members along for the ride) as well the distribution of Lear’s wealth to the daughters . . .

Soon followed by the realization that said division was premature as well as seriously stupid. Like Lear, Fool is a story filled with “heinous fuckery most foul” and there is a raven and a ghost because “there’s always a bloody ghost” and “there’s always a bloody raven.”
Basically, if something like this . . . .

Or characters like this . . .

Are your idea of a good time, Fool is a story not to be missed.
So there you have it. Now for a public service announcement . . .

Here ye here ye here ye. All ye members of thy generation oft known as butthurt. Refrain from reading the works of one Christopher Moore as he is sure to offend and doth giveth zeros of the shits about said offenses. As Mr. Moore would sayeth to thee . . .
“It’s a jest, you wanker. Suspend fucking disbelief for a bit, would you?”

This selection was chosen as part of the library’s Winter Reading Challenge. Many thanks to the book fairy who provided me a copy since the “you are next in line for this title” library list apparently meant in line FOR ETERNITY. Only THREE more books and the limited edition beer mug will be MIIIIIIIIIIINE!

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